| Chapter Four |

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The airport was pretty crowded, but with the three SSR agents there to escort me somewhat discretely, people were parting like the sea. By discretely, apparently they just meant they would wear more civilian clothes as opposed to agent gear. The three of them surrounded me; two in the back one in front; and Rosie walked next to me.

Along the way many people gawked, confused as to why these three men where surrounding these two women as we all walked through the airport. I tried a couple times to make it seem more normal by catching up to the guy in front to talk with him, but he would explain the orders given to him and would walk a bit faster.

We got to the gate and the three agents stopped and looked around for threats while I got my ticket out for the lady at the gate. Rosie was still with me and asked, "Are you already to go?" I nodded back to her and she made sure to run we through what I need to do in case my stitches popped.

"Thank you for all of your help Rosie," I said. I gave her a smile and went over to board the plane. Rosie on agent left, while two others ensured I got onto the plane safely. The door shut and the two agents left, leaving me to venture to the other half of the country on my own.

The sense of adventure was exciting and I couldn't wait to explore a new office and get acquainted with the other agents. I haven't heard much about the New York division, just that it housed agents part of the famous Project Rebirth, and that some people there had met the Star Spangled Man with a Plan himself.

I kept thinking about New York as I sat down in my seat next to the aisle. My bag sat in my lap and I was getting ready to buckle in when a stewardess came over. "Ma'am? I'm sorry but you have to put your bag in an overhead bin for the flight," she said. I nodded and smiled and she walked off. So that would be tough considering I can't really lift my arms up without risk of popping some stitches. Also, my bag had my files and a gun in it so I wasn't exactly thrilled to put it somewhere away from my reach.

But I stood up from my seat and started to try and put my bag up. The aisle was less crowded at the moment so I wasn't blocking people from getting to their seats. I started reaching up higher and felt the pull on my wound but my bag still couldn't get in the overhead bin. "Dammit please just go in the bin," I mumbled a bit louder than what I had wanted.

"Here let me help," someone said next to me. I turned around and a taller guy with brown hair and brown eyes was there. He grabbed my bag and carefully shoved it in the bin. I observed him a bit more and noticed he a had a sort of crutch on his arm as well.

Before I could get caught staring at him I looked back to his face and gave him a smile. "Thank you so much," I said, and gave him a nod. He nodded back and moved on back to his seat a couple rows ahead. My side hurt a bit but I couldn't feel any blood coming out so I figured everything was good.

I sat in my seat and let out a long sigh, and waited for the plane to take off. This may or may not the first time I'm riding plane, and I was very conflicted on how I felt. Excited? Terrified? All of the above? Probably the last option.

"Excuse me," a woman said as she placed her purse in the overhead bin and sat next to me. I smiled at her and went back to my thoughts on how the flight would go. She sat down and buckled up, then turned to me. "I can tell this is your first time flying. How have you never been on a plane before?" she asked me.

I looked over at her and saw the eagerness in her face. "Um I just never had the time to get off work and get on a plane I guess," I answered, hoping that would do. It didn't.

"Oh well where do you work?"

"At a boring office. It's just simple desk work most of the time." I wasn't exactly lying to her about my job, just telling her the basic stuff to get her off my back.

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