| Chapter Five |

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I walked in the diner and took in my seating options. There was a counter area, some tables in the middle, and some booths. Most were empty so my options were large in number. I decided to sit in a booth so I could keep my luggage out of everyone's way.

When I sat down, a waitress came over and smiled at me. "Hi! Would you like a coffee?" she asked, her notepad and pen already out and ready to be put to use. I smiled and nodded. "Alright, one cup of coffee coming right up. It'll be over in a jiffy," she said.

The waitress, her name tag read Angie, turned around and went over to the counter. A couple men tried to motion her over while she was on the way to get my coffee. I assumed she would've went over to them, especially when one tried to grab her ass, but she made it all the way to the other side of the counter and get my cup of liquid caffeine.

She weaved her way through the attention seeking men and set my coffee down in front of me. "Here you are! Can I get you anything to eat?" she asked. My stomach made a little noise at the mention of food, seeing how I haven't eaten much today.

I nodded and looked at the menu for a moment. "Sure, can I get an omelette or is it too late in the day?" I asked her.

"You can still get one. Do you like it as it comes?"

"Yes, that's perfect thank you Angie." She smiled back and was off once more. I watched her put my order ticket up on a window to the kitchen. Now that my ordering process was finished, she had to give the other boys attention.

I sat at the booth, sipping my coffee, when a large older man came passing by. He was holding a newspaper, and I realized that I would need one as well to find apartment listings. "Excuse me sir?" He turned and looked at me while giving me a tight lipped smile and a nod. "Is that todays news?" I asked.

The man looked down at the paper in his hands and nodded. "Why yes it is. Would you like it?" he asked.

"Yes, if you don't mind," I said. He shook his head and said 'not at all' while handing me the paper. I thanked him and he was on his way, and I opened it up to the apartment listings.

There were quite a few, but at the same time not too many in the area. I sighed and began my search through the paper. There was one apartment available not too far away, but it said that there was quite a bit of damage that the person who got it would need to repair. It was perfect for the odd man who wanted to fix things up himself, but not for me.

I continued to look and barely noticed when Angie returned with my omelette. "One omelette!" she announced as she set it down in front of me. The paper was blocking my view, so I set it beside me and looked at the food.

"Oh wow it looks delicious! Thank you," I said. I expected her to turn away and get back to work, but instead she looked at my newspaper and sat across from me with her legs out from under the table and to the side so she didn't hit my luggage. She picked it up and looked at the things I was reading, and I decided to try my food.

"So you looking for a place to stay?" she asked after looking at the paper for a second. I nodded, my mouth full of omelette. Angie then looked at my luggage. "Ah, so you're new around here too." I could tell she was getting at something, I just didn't know what. My mind was too focused on the delicious food in front of me to try and go all super-spy on her. "Well, there's a couple open apartments at my building. I could get you an interview there for you tomorrow morning? We could meet up before hand so I could help with what you need to say for it."

I put my fork down and wiped my mouth before responding. "Really? You'd help me with that?" I asked her. Angie nodded and I smiled. "Thank you so much! I'll stay at a hotel tonight and be freshened up for tomorrow."

Angie gave her 'goodbye' and walked off to finish her shift. We decided to meet up at the cafe at around 7:30 in the morning to give me time to prepare for the interview. But now I was done with my omelette and decided to get going. I needed to walk around and get to know the city a bit more.


I spent around three hours wandering around the city, getting to know my way around from the SSR building, to the diner, to the apartment building that Angie lives in (I found out about where she lives after I was done with my omelette). Everything seemed to be in pretty good walking distance. I didn't find a need to invest in a car at all which is very nice, and I wouldn't have to spend too much money on taxis just yet.

The sun started to set over the skyline, so I figured now would be an excellent time to find a hotel to stay at for the night. There were a couple of very grand hotels around, but they were extremely expensive for just one night. After walking around for a few more minutes and the sky getting even darker, I just decided to pick the hotel closest to me and ask for the cheapest room.

I walked into the lobby with my bag and looked for the reception desk in the elegant lobby. It was over to the left of the entryway, and there was currently nobody there waiting in line. My heels clicked a bit loudly in the empty space as I made my way over to the desk. There were a few employees behind the desk writing in logs and stuff. I walked up to the first lady that looked up at me.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" she asked. I smiled back and set my luggage down, and brought my bag up in front of me.

"Hello, I was just wondering if I could get a room for tonight? Nothing fancy please," I said. She looked through her log book to check for vacancies.

"We have a room on the third floor for $25 for one night, if that'll work?" she asked me, looking back up and giving me a small smile. I figured it would work and got out my money to pay upfront. The lady gave me my key and I gave her my name (it was of course, a fake name: Sandra Marion) and went to the elevator. The third floor wasn't too high off the ground, and the spy side of me was already thinking of escape plans.

The elevator moved pretty quick compared to the ones back in Miami, and I was let off quickly and got to my room. The key went in smooth and when the door swung open, I could kind of see why it wasn't a very expensive room.

It was small, with a small bed by one wall and an air conditioning unit adjacent to it. There was a very small closet that had a small table in it for my luggage to go on. There were no windows or fans in the room either.

I sighed. "Right then," I said and entered the room fully and shut the door behind me. I placed my luggage on the bed, then got the little table from the closet. I put it in the corner and moved my luggage onto that. Carefully, without scuffing up my luggage, I opened it up and started to pull out my pajamas.

The clock on the wall read 8:30 pm, and I was very ready for bed myself. I grabbed my toiletry bag along with my pajamas and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Inside it was pretty dingy and very small as well. It would work for one night at least. Hopefully I wouldn't have to spend more than tonight in this hotel room.

I changed quickly and cleaned myself up for the night. The shower didn't look trustworthy so I decided to shower tomorrow night in either a better hotel room or my new apartment. So, I folded up the clothes I had worn today and brought them out with me to place back into my luggage. I put my hair up into my curlers and finally got into bed to sleep.

The sheets were scratchy and the pillows felt like they had nothing in them, but like I've said about everything in this hotel room, it would work for the night. I had barely gotten all settled when the overwhelming need to sleep overtook me and I pretty much collapsed onto the bed.

A/n: so I've decided, since the book starts out on the slower side, that I'm going to go ahead and start releasing all the chapters! I'll start with this one and then I'm just going to post the others after. Some today, some tomorrow maybe.  Still want there to be some cliffhangers and all :)

See you next chapter!

Agent Jones- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now