Chapter 68

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"Thadeus Nott is abusing Theo" I hissed angrily.


"What!" Sev matched Tom's shout.

"I sent Theo home over the break to relax because he was burning out his core. He returned covered in bruises, a broken nose, and a black eye. He told me his father hit him when he arrived home because he wasn't completing his mission." I scoffed.

Severus let me go, rushing around to get his healing kit.

"I'll deal with Thadeus." Tom hissed, closing the mirror. Putting ours back in the drawer, I followed Severus back to the Slytherin common room. We rushed to Theo's room, seeing him sleeping painfully in his bed.

It was nearing the end of January before Theo was healed enough to continue. He dragged me daily to the Room of Requirement. We mended the cabinet slowly, sharing the drain it caused.

Severus continued his search for Clary and Val. He bad narrowed it down to one of the Orders headquarters which remained under a Fidelius Charm. We had gotten. The twins to agree to be spies in the order and find out more information. They agreed immediately, telling us they planned to leave school early and open a joke shop which would feature prank items that could be weaponized for the dark.

It was late April before we finished the cabinet. After several draining months, we fiy were able to send objects through and get them back. I told Tom we finished, and began preparing Slytherin for the final battle.

"Go to bed Draco, I can deal with this," Sev stated. I nodded, kissing him gently before turning and heading to my room. Quickly changing clothes, I climbed in bed and flicked the lights off.

A week passed since we returned from break. Sev patched Theo up, good as new. I refused to let him help with the cabinet until he was fully recovered, physically and magically. The Prophet sent an article about death eaters attacking a fellow suspected death eater. Theo and I shared a glance after that, knowing full well Tom sent an attack after Theo's father.

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