Chapter 8

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When Harry and Draco woke up the next morning, they went downstairs to go eat breakfast. As Harry was eating Draco pulled Harry into his lap. Someone cleared their throat so Harry turned still in Draco's lap. Harry looked at Lucius and smiled, "Hello Mr. Malfoy.". Lucius nodded and went to leave before Harry stopped him, "Mr. Malfoy do you happen to have Tom's diary?". Lucius stopped and turned, "How do you know about that?". Harry thought his words out before speaking, "I met Tom last year and spoke with him about it before the school year ended.". Lucius nodded and handed it to Harry. Harry took it and put it into his trunk.

Harry went with Lucius and Draco to Diagon Alley. When they entered Fourish and Blotts they were stopped by the Weasley's. While Lucius and Arther were talking Harry slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron. They finished buying their book before going back to Malfoy Manor.

It was September 1st, and Draco and Harry were sitting on the train to Hogwarts. When they reached Hogwarts they went to the carriages. Harry sat on Draco's lap during the ride. As they entered the Great Hall, Harry looked up and smiled at Severus.

After dinner, Harry went to the common room to read. As Harry was reading he heard a faint snake-like voice. He ignored the voice and went up to the dorm to get some sleep. After Harry's shower, he heard the voice again.

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