Chapter 63

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I lead the twins through the castle, ignoring the odd question that would pop up as to where we were going. As we reached the second floor, I looked around before pulling them into Myrtle's bathroom.

"What do you want? Have you come- Oh, Draco it's you." Myrtle stated, floating down from her windowsill. 

"Myrtle could you, wait outside for a moment, I need to talk to them. Preferably alone, please. It's about Harry." I asked, with a charming smile causing her to visibly melt as she nodded, heading outside to stand guard. 

Looking to make sure she was actually gone and no one was actually in here, I headed over to the sinks and looked for the one Harry told me about.

"Um, Malfoy?" One of the twins questioned. Ignoring it, I found the one with the snake on it and whispered open in parsel like Harry showed me. It was still quite difficult, but I was learning.

Moving backward, the sinks started moving apart to reveal a hole in the ground.

"If you trust me at all, or trust Harry, follow me," I exclaimed, jumping into it. Counting, I prepared and angled my body allowing me to land on my feet. Snapping, the dust and grime disappeared from my outfit as I heard twin shouts coming from the slide as well as the sink closing.

Sending a cushioning charm at the bottom, I watched them slide out and land on top of each other. With another snap, they were cleaned up, as they got up. Nodding, we continued walking towards the actual chamber so we were outside the wards.

"Welcome George, Fred, to the Chamber of Secrets," I stated, as the main door swung open. "Now, if you will follow me, we can talk in a more comfortable setting.". Following Tom's instructions, we entered the subchamber where Salazar's office was.

"Now, you had question's about Harry." I proclaimed, vanishing the dust as I dropped into a seat, motioning for them to do the same.

"We know your whole thing was an act," George stated, messing with his nails nervously.

"It's clear you know where Harry is, as does Professor Snape." Fred continued.

"We want to know where our brother is, and we want to know he is safe." They remarked.

"How do I know this isn't a trick? Some ploy by Dumbledore." I questioned, leaning forward.

"If you thought it was a trick, you wouldn't have lead us here," Fred replied, equally leaning forward with narrow eyes.

"We don't care if Harry's with the dark!" George blurted, causing our staring contest to break as I moved to look at him, "We just want to know that he's safe and happy.".

"And if he was, with the dark. What would you say then?" I inquired, leaning back with a raised eyebrow.

"We would follow him anywhere. He has been more like family to us in three years, then our blood has in 17." Fred answered. The blue aura around him grew and honestly hurt to look at it.

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