Chapter 43

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Exclaimer! I did make some changes to Itsuki and Itome from the DaiSuga. Not any bad changes per say, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

TimeSkip: 3 Months Later
Akaashi's Pov: 

I woke up baby cries. I yawned and got our of bed. I heard Koutarou-san talking in the kitchen. I looked in the kitchen and saw Itome and Itsuki crying in their high chairs. Koutarou-san was sweating looking at the bottle in the microwave. I sighed and continued watching him. 

"Shhh you guys be quiet you're gonna wake you're mother, he's not been getting a lot of sleep since you two were born." They kept crying and I smiled at his sweetness. He took the bottle out the microwave and felt it with his pinky. It seemed to burn him and he took his pinky out then put it in his mouth. He made a disgusted face and took his pinky out his mouth. I snickered and covered my mouth. 

"Koutarou-san how long did you put the bottle in there for?"

"2 minutes... how long were you standing there." 

"Long enough for you to taste my breast milk." 

"AGh I didn't mean to~" 

"I know." 

I got out a pot and put water in it. I put it on the stove on low heat and poured the old warmed up breast milk in the sink. I washed the bottle When the water got hot I put the water into a large bowl and put a frozen bag of milk in the bowl. 

"Why'd you pour it out?"

"Can't use it no more, plus I always have more." When the milk was fully thaw I poured it into a bottle and gave it to Koutarou-san. He picked up Itsuki and started feeding him. I lifted my shirt and picked up Itome. After breakfast we put them back in their cribs. 

"Keiji I didn't want to wake you." 

"Don't worry Koutarou-san I got four hours of sleep last night I'll be good."

"You can't function on four hours of sleep, you get all moody."




"A-are you hungry? I will make waffles." 

"No I'll cook." 

"But I want you to relax today."

"I don't need to Ko-san, and I don't want you to cook." 

His eyes widened and he nodded. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I went into the baby's room. I went to the kitchen and started to making breakfast. I realized I probably hurt his feelings. I finished making breakfast and I made his plate. 

"Koutarou-san come here!" I heard a door open and Koutarou-san came into the kitchen. 

"Did you finish breakfast?"

"Yeah, but come here." 

He came towards me and I saw that he was crying. I gave him a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. When our kiss broke I looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sorry Ko-san, I was being to harsh you can cook dinner alright?"

"It's not that... I want you to relax and get some sleep."  

"Alright, well it's time for their tummy time did you change their diaper?"

"Um... well." 

I snickered and I gave him another kiss and we walked into their room. I changed Itsuki's diaper and he struggled to change Itome's diaper. 

"It's backwards."  He ohed and fixed his diaper. We brought them to the living room and he handed Itome to me. I kissed their forehead as Koutarou-san set up toys, the blanket, and everything else. I put them both down for on their stomach. We got down to their level. 

Itsuki smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He was lifting himself up more than Itome was. I was actually getting pretty worried about Itome. I grabbed some toys and shook them in front of Itome. It actually took him a while to look at the toy and smile.


"Keiji... I think something is wrong with Itome."

"Me too Ko." 

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