Chapter 5

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TimeSkip: 5 Days Later
Akaashi's Pov: 

Saturday soon came upon me. Bokuto-san and I decided to meet at 9am. When I got their Bokuto-san was already there. Which was surprising since I was 10 minutes early. I walked up to him and Bokuto-san looked at me and smiled.

"Hi Akaashi."


He opened the door for me and I walked in the cafe. There was a good amount of people here but it wasn't packed. We found a seat and looked at the menu. I was just going to get a caramel latte and I looked up at Bokuto-san.

"Do you still not like coffee?"

"I just like it with extra cream so I don't taste the bitterness."

"Makes since." 

We both ordered our coffees and sat back down. The waiter brought our coffees and we just sipped at it. The silence was loud. I sighed and I looked at him. 

"July 29." I said out of nowhere.


"Her birthday is July 29,"

"Whose birthday?"

"Our daughter." Bokuto-san flinched and took out his phone. He put it back a little bit afterwards. 

"So... how did the adoption go?" Bokuto-san asked me. 

"Um it was smooth. Her name is Yoko."

"Aww Yoko is a good name. Have you met her?"

"No, I don't have the consent of her adoptive parents."


He pouted and sighed. Yoko was 4 turning 5. She looked like Bokuto-san but had my hair. She was a pretty calm child. Bokuto-san finished his coffee. I sipped at mine still not finished. There was another silence between us and he sighed. 

"Akaashi, I wanted to apologize. Getting you pregnant, probably made your life really hard. So, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't blame yourself for that, it takes two to make a child." 

"Yes, people tell me that. But apologizing will make me feel better,"

"People tell you that?" Bokuto-san smiled as I asked the question. It felt like a fake smile. Bokuto-san fake smiling felt like a nightmare. My eyes widened at the thought. Did I changed Bokuto-san that much?

"Well only my therapist did... but don't worry about that." Bokuto-san needed a therapist?

"Bokuto-san..." He opened his wallet and put 20 dollars on the table. He looked away from me and I gulped. 

"Sorry... I can't do this." He got up and left. I sighed and put my head down on the table. What the hell? I can't believe I did this. Bokuto-san... what the hell did I do to him? I got up and left maybe I could catch up with him. I looked left and right. I see him smoking...? That's not him obviously not. Dammit... that is him.

"Bokuto-san smoking is not good for your lungs, especially while playing a heavy sport, like volleyball." I said taking the cigarette out of his mouth and dropping it on the concrete. I stepped on it while looking up at Bokuto-san. 

"Akaashi, you're so cute." He said patting my head. I blushed and he sighed.

"I'm sorry if I caused any stress." I said. 

"We caused stress to each other." He said. 

"Yes, but fake smiling, smoking, and therapy?"

"I'm sorry, Akaashi... don't worry I don't smoke often."

"You shouldn't smoke at all,"

"You're right, I'm sorry. But you broke me."

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