Chapter 45

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TimeSkip: 3 Weeks Later
Akaashi's Pov:

When we finally got Itsuki's clothes on we put them in the car and I drove to the hospital. Even though the twins were over the age of what they needed to be they said they still will be able to take the AABR and OAE test. When we got there Koutarou-san got the twins out their car seats. 

"They have to be sleep for the tests Koutarou-san." He handed me Itsuki and I rocked Itsuki. He was fussy because we had to put clothes on him. I rocked him to sleep and we went into the hospital. We sighed them in. Itome was already sleep and I filled out the information sheet. We weren't able to be in the room as the test was taking place so they took Itome and Itsuki while we waiting in the waiting room. 

"I'm sure they'll both pass each test." 

"I hope so." 

"How long is each test?"

"Uh each one is 10 minutes."

"Agh 10 minutes how many questions do they have?" I started giggling and I gave him a kiss. I sighed and we waited a total of 20 minutes. They brought us into a room to discuss the test. I held Itome and Koutarou-san held Itsuki. 

"Alright we do have some good news. Itsuki has passed both test his hearing his completely normal for his age." I let go a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. Koutarou-san looked nervous. 

"Itome... on the other hand has failed both test, there could be an error so I suggest that you visit an audiologist." 

She handed me papers of audiologists and I nodded. She kept talking about everything and Itsuki started crying again. Koutarou-san tried to comfort him and we switched. When we left the doctor I felt so worried. We hurried home since they started getting fussy. It was lunch for them and I sighed. I lifted my shirt and let Itsuki eat. Koutarou-san let some milk thaw out and made Itome a bottle. 

We burped them and changed their diaper. We started playing with them so we could get them to relax a bit. My phone alarm went off and Itsuki pushed himself to my phone. Itome seemed to notice it too. I was in relief, but then I realized my phone was vibrating and I started playing with my fingers.

I turned my phone off and continued playing with them. They started getting less active and I put something on T.V for them to watch.

TimeSkip: 2 Weeks Later 

Koutarou-san said home with Itsuki while I took Itome to the audiologist. I drove to the office. They were 5 months now. Itome was placed in a quiet room and he had headphones. I was in a different room where I could see him but I was answering the other doctor's questions. 

"Is there anyone in the family that's also hard of hearing?"

"Um yes... my husband's sister, and his father is hard of hearing." She nodded and wrote something down.

"Was he born early?"

"Yes um two weeks early." She hummed and wrote something down once again. 

"How much did he weigh at birth?" 

"7.9 kg." She wrote something and nodded. 

"Does he pull or rub at his ears often?" 

"Umm yes sometimes, but not often."


"Just during um tummy time." 


She asked some questions about my pregnancy and I looked back at Itome. He was being held by a nurse and he was grabbing at me. When everything was over they handed me back Itome and we had to wait for the results. He doesn't babble often but he was babbling right now. The nurse came out and we went into another room. 

"Bokuto Keiji?"

"That's me." 

"I have some bad news. Itome has severe sensorineural hearing loss. It has seen to passed down from genes." I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I felt tears in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from landing coming. I got back paperwork and we went hone. 

"Keiji... you're crying?"

"H-he has sensorineural hearing loss... he needs hearing aids." 

"I- I'm sorry." 

"Why are you sorry?"

"I-it's my fault he can't hear, i-it was my gene." 

"Don't be sorry Koutarou-san. It's not your fault you can't control it." 


We got interrupted by both babies SCREECHING. I put Itome down and I got teething rings for the both of them. They stopped crying and started chewing on the teething ring.

"Woah, Keiji you're amazing! I love you."

"I love you too Koutarou-san." 

I put the document on the counter and I sighed. Out of nowhere I heard a growl. I looked at Koutarou-san who was pouring me some lemonade. 

"What are you growling at?"

"I'm not growling-" I heard whining afterwards and I walked over to the twins. I heard growling again from Itome. I smiled and patted his head. I heard whining afterwards and I smiled. 



"Itome is an alpha... and Itsuki is an omega." 

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