Chapter 56

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TimeSkip: 5 Months Later
Akaashi's Pov: 

I heard a knock on the door and I put the bread on the table. Koutarou-san opened it and Yoko walked in with her guest. The boys went up and hugged Yoko. We we're having a family dinner. Everyone sat down made their plates. 

"So mom~ when can we get a phone?" Itsuki asked me. 

"Don't look at me, look at your dad." The twins looked at Koutarou-san and he hummed. 

"Don't know, if you guys continue to be good you might get one for your birthday." The twins eyes lit up. They were so used to sharing everything they didn't realized that they were both suppose to get one. I saw Koutarou-san glancing at Yoko's guest. She looked nervous, I guess Yoko saw us looking at her cause she started talking. 

"Oh right. Mom, Dad. This is my girlfriend, Momo." Koutarou-san's glare fixed on Momo and I hit his leg. 

"Don't make that face Koutarou-san! It's nice to meet you Momo." 

"It's nice to meet you also Mr. Keiji and Mr. Koutarou-san."

Itsuki gasped and looked at Koutarou-san. This was probably their first time seeing Koutarou-san judgmental like this. Yoko told us about Momo and how they met. They said they've been dating 5 months. 

"Dad... you're being quiet is there something wrong?" He grumbled and I hit his leg again. 

"S-sorry. I'm being erratic, it's nice knowing you Momo but I still do not feel comfortable with you guys being together." 

I face planted and Yoko let go of a breath. Itome got another piece of bread and Itsuki was listening while playing with his food. 

"I understand what you mean Mr. Koutarou-san, but I promise you I won't hurt you're daughter." He hummed and looked at me. He was being moody again it was kind of adorable to me. But I saw the worried look on Yoko's face. 

"Do you not like Momo, Dad?"

"I do, she's sweet, I just don't want you dating yet. But I can't control you." 

"Does that mean we can still date?"


I wasn't surprised by his reaction, in all honesty I would expect him to say no. Itsuki and Itome was looking at Momo. Itome cleared his throat.

"I think... that you should buy us Ice cream first." He said. Momo and nodded her head. 


"She's amazing~" The twins said at the same time. I snickered and so did Koutarou-san. Yoko smiled. Koutarou-san mood perked up as the conversation kept going on. By the end of dinner he was totally fine with their relationship. 

He helped me put the leftovers away and I yawned. 

"You've been cooking and cleaning all day Keiji, I got it." 

"Thank you Koutarou-san." 

I made sure Itsuki and Itome was alright and ready for school before laying down. I looked on my phone. I saw that Yoshi texted me. We haven't talked in years and I hummed. 

Text Messages: 

Yoshi: Hey baby brother

Akaashi: Hey

Yoshi: We haven't spoken in a while how are you?

Akaashi: I'm doing fine. 

Yoshi: A little birdie told me that you got custody of Yoko back

Akaashi: Yeah a while ago actually

Yoshi: That's good. I'm happy for you.

Akaashi: Thanks

Yoshi: Okay so I got a question.

Akaashi: Uh oh

Yoshi: No cause like if Itome is being bad can't you just take his hearing aids away?

Akaashi: 😭😭 Why would I take his hearing aids away?

Yoshi: Cause like if he's not listening you take them away and it's just like 'you gon learn to listen' 

Akaashi: Please- he can still communcate 

Yoshi: Oh he can? 

Akaashi: YES😭✋

Yoshi: Oh damn nvm then 

Akaashi: Did you take your nap today?

Yoshi: No I should probably go to sleep-

Akaashi: You think?

Yoshi: Well gn 

Akaashi: Gn 

I was still snickering at what Yoshi said. Koutarou-san came into the room and stretched. He got beside me and hugged onto my waist. 

"I'm surprise you didn't blow up at dinner." 

"I don't want to make it seem like I don't like Momo, she's a sweet child." 

"I'm glad." 

"What about you?"

"I wish she would've waited a little bit more but she seems happy so I'm fine with it." 

"Okay. Hey Keiji." 


"I didn't know omegas purred. You've never purred before."

"I have you were always sleeping." 

"Awww I wanna hear you purr." 

"Do you?"


I got more comfortable and closed my eyes. Koutarou-san grip on me tightened and I started purring. He gasped and I could practically smell him smiling. 

"I like your purring." 

"Thank you Koutarou-san."

"Agh it makes me wanna fall asleep." 

"That's a good thing, it's supposed to calm you."

"It's very calming~" 

I looked back and gave him a kiss. My purring stopped as I started drifting off to asleep.

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