Seven// Telling the band

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Millie's Pov- (January 1st 2015)

Last night all the boys from stereo kicks came over to mine and Casey's for a New Year's party. We had planned to tell them about us having a baby but they all got a bit drunk and well we were all partying and forgot to tell them.

I rolled out of bed and looked at my alarm clock it was 11:45am. Casey must already be up with the boys as I could hear them talking in the living room. They all stayed the night as they couldn't drive as they all drank last night well not Reece and Charlie and neither did I since I'm pregnant.

I put a jumper over my pyjamas and when over to the living room to see Charlie, Reece, James, Tom and Chris. I sat down on the sofa next to Chris as there were two empty spaces and I guessed Casey was sitting there too.

Casey came in with two cups of tea in his hands, he handed one to me and then sat down next to me putting his arm round my neck and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"Where are Jake and Barclay?" I ask taking a sip of my tea.
"They're up but they are having morning hangover moods" Reece says with a little giggle at the end.
Casey turns the telly on and we all watch The Jeremy Kyle show.
"When all the boys are here, we'll tell them yeah?" Casey whispered in my ear so that none of the other boys would hear. I looked up at Casey and nodded which made a small smile grow on his face.

It was just another ten minutes until Jake and Barclay walked into the living room. They sat down and Casey turned the telly volume down and all the boys looked over at him.

"We need to tell you boys something" Casey starts and they all look slightly worried as to what we're going to say.

"Okay, what is it mate" Tom says

"Me and Millie were having a baby" Casey says and they all stand up and congratulate me and Casey.

"So when is they baby going to be born?" James asks as we all sit back down.

"We are going to the doctors tomorrow for the first scan" I say.

"So to celebrate, why don't we all go to the white rose my treat" Jake says and everyone agreed. The white rose is mine and Casey's local pub and we love going there.

I went to get ready; I went in the shower then went to my bedroom to pick out my outfit. As my baby bump was starting to be show and we didn't want the paps to find out that we were having a baby just yet I picked my black skater skirt and a wooly jumper, I also put my navy blue scarf on and my blue coat to finish of.

I left my hair natural and put a small amount of make up on before leaving my bedroom and going back over to the living room to see all the boys sitting ready to leave just talking.

"Let go then" I say standing in the door frame. All the boys stood up and we left the house, we went in two cars Casey drove one with me, Charlie, Reece and Jake in and Tom drove the other with James, Barclay and Chris in. We also picked up Chet on the way as he was close to the boys and hadn't seen them since the X factor final.

The pub is only ten minutes down the road from our apartment so it doesn't take long. We parked the cars then went inside, as we waited to be seated at a table I noticed another large group of people sitting around a big table... well this wasn't going to go down well as it may have taken me a few seconds to recognizes that it was my family out for a meal that I hated been invited to.

"You came, I thought you and Casey had plans" Matty says standing up from the table which had all my brothers and sisters around along with Jade, Harry. My mum was at the top of the table looking very sheepish something tells me say may have told a little white lie.

"What do you mean 'I came', I wasn't invited" I say to Matty but looking at my mother

"Yes you did get invited mum called you but she said you and Casey had plans" Kelly says.

"That funny I didn't get a phone call" I say dropping my mother in it, all eyes around the table shot to her. At this point all the boys had sat down at our table which was the other side of the pub, Casey was standing behind me waiting for me to finish up talking to my family.

"Mum you said you called Millie and made up with her, you didn't even ring her what happened to a family meal" Grace's says

"Oh so now I'm not part of your family" I say over to my so-called mother, what type of mum does that. The most annoying thing is she told everyone that she had invited me to protect herself. I was standing there waiting for mum to say something but you could tell that she knew she had done something wrong she just didn't want to own up to it. Liam stood up from his seat and came to stand next to me.

"Why don't you just come and sit down with us" He says

"Oh no, I would hate to interrupt the family meal plus I do have plans now" I explain.

"Were out celebrating our baby" Casey says putting his hand around my waist.

"Mum told me that you're having a baby I'm really happy for you both" Liam says, my mum pulled a right face at the mention of my baby.

"Something to say mum" I say now looking at her.

"Well seems a bit of a wasted celebration" She says looking very full of herself.

"Mum, it is Millie choice to have a child you can't be mad at her and take her from our family for it" Liam says looking at mum very seriously, it was good that I had Liam on side he was the only one mum really listened to.

"I just don't think she has thought it through properly, having a baby is a lot of responsibility and I just don't think she is ready" Mum explains, that hurt she still thinks I'm a kid. I knew that we would have to make up at some point so that is when I left the argument I walked over to the table where the boys were sitting and took my seat with Casey.

As we sat down in our seats the waiter came over and took our orders, Casey put his arm round my back and pulled me into a hug,

"Don't worry; it will all turn out alright. I'm proud of you for walking away from it" Casey whispers and kisses from forehead. I tried to forget about it but it was quite hard as the whole time my mum was watching me from the other side of the pub which was getting annoying. The food was nice and once we had all finished Jake paid as he promised and we left. All the boys had to go back home to their families so me and Casey just went back home.

We were lazing around when there was a knock at the door; I stood up and went to answer it. I opened the door to see my mum standing there she best not be here to have a go I only just managed to stop myself at the pub.

"Can I help you" I say to her, as was still outside I wasn't planning on inviting her in not with the way she had treated me recently.

"Can I talk to you, I promise I'm not here to shout of anything like that" She practically begged, I just nodded and let her in she walked straight through to the living room and Casey came out and joined me in the hall way.

"I'll give you some space, call if you need me" He says give me a kiss and I nodded and with that Casey left the house. I loved Casey from millions of reasons and one of them was he knows when I need him and when I need space. I took a deep breath and promised myself I won't shout at her, I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa facing my mum.

"Before you say anything I want to explain why I acted the way I did, but first things first I'm so sorry" My mum says, tears were welling up in her eyes I could tell that the last few days hadn't been easy for her and I guess it was make up time.

A/N- sorry if that was poo I wrote it really quickly, but I wanted to upload so it had to be a short one. Next upload will be later on in the week.
Love Me xoxo

Our happily ever after - Casey Johnson//Stereo KicksWhere stories live. Discover now