Nineteen// Cheated?

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*25th of February*

Millie's pov

This is going to sound really bad but I thought it would hurt a lot more being away from Casey than it does.

When he first told me about the tour I was worried that he would go away and forget about me but the ring sitting on my finger reminds me that he will never forget me.

I'm still staying at Tracy's house (Casey's mum's house) but she has gone away for the week so it's just me, Chet and Alfie.

Chet's been a great help with Alfie, I wouldn't of been able to cope without his help.

Today we are traveling to Newcastle to surprise Casey. My sister lives in Newcastle and she has tickets for tonight's show but she can't go so she gave me and Chet her two tickets.

We're taking Alfie with us but he is going to stay with my Aunty in Newcastle while we go and watch the tour.

"Are you nearly ready Millie?" Chet shouts from downstairs.

"Yeah just give me two minutes" I shout back right now I'm just getting Alfie ready. As we are traveling I put him in his cute bear onesie so that he will be comfortable.

Once he was all dressed I got the last of my things and head downstairs with Alfie in my arms.

"Here I'll put Alfie in the car if you lock up" Chet says taking Alfie out of my arms, I just nodded and put the house alarm on then left the house.

I got into the car back of the car so that I could keep an eye on Alfie and Chet sat behind the wheel.

"Let's go" I say as I put my seatbelt on. Chet started the car and we headed for Newcastle.

"So are you enjoying being a mum?" Chet asked as we joined the motorway.
"Yeah I am, I just wish Casey was here with me all the time" I explain.
"I pretty sure he does two" Chet says.
"what do you mean?" I ask him.

"Casey left his week old baby boy, that must hurt him a lot" Chet tells me. I knew it would be hard for Casey but i knew really thought about how much it would hurt him.

"Your right, I wake up every morning and I see my baby boy but Casey, Casey hasn't seen him in weeks. I can't imagine how much it must hurt him" I say tearing up a little. Chet noticed I was getting a little upset.

"Millie don't get upset, I'm sorry I made you think about that" Chet says looking at me through the mirror.

"It's okay I think I needed reminding about it anyway" I say giving him a smile.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and changed the conversation topic.

We had been traveling for about three hours now and the car was starting to smell really bad.

"Chet it smells so bad" I say holding my nose.
"It's not me, its your son" Chet says with a little laugh.
"Right well we need to stop so that I can change him" I tell Chet and he takes the next left off the motorway and into the service station.

"I'll go change Alfie and meet you in the shop over there" I tell Chet as we walk into the service station. Chet nodded and headed to the shop, I went into the baby changing and changed Alfie's nappy.

Once I had changed Alfie I head to the shop to find Chet. I saw him reading a magazine with a annoyed/upset look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked Chet. Once Chet saw it was me he slammed the magazine shut and put it back on the stand.

"Nothing lets go!" He says trying to push me away, something was up and I had a feeling it had something to do with that magazine.

"Chet what were you reading in that magazine?" I ask him.

"It was nothing lets just go" he says once again trying to move me. I decided I would just find out for myself, I picked up the magazine and flicked through the pages till i landed on the one i knew Chet was reading...

"Is Casey Johnson a cheat!" I half shout reading the magazine articles title.
"Do even read it, it's just so stupid gossip magazine making up stories" Chet said trying to convince me.

I looked down the rest of the page to see a photo of Casey with a girl, I knew I had seen her before but from where.

"Chet who is she?" I asked him. To start with he just shrugged.
"Chet just tell me" I say to him.
"Betsy, from only the young" Chet tells me. So this photo was of Casey and Betsy, the magazine was making assumptions that they might be together. I looked over on the next page to see a photo of me, Casey and Alfie.

I read the caption it said...
'Why would Casey even cheat, he has a family of his own. A new born baby boy named Alfie and soon to be married to a young lady named Millie Hope. We'll for her sack I hope there's nothing going on between Casey and Betsy, but if photos like this keep happening I wouldn't dismiss a secret love going on behind Millie's back'

I started crying, Chet wrapped his arms around me. he rubbed my back to try and make me feel better. it wasn't woking.

"Can you take Alfie to the car, I'll be out in one minute" I tell Chet, he nods and takes Alfie out of my arms.

"Don't be long" he says and I just nod. I waited till Chet was out of the building then took my phone out of my pocket can called Casey.

M=Millie C=Casey

C- hi, how are you
M- I'm on my way to Newcastle.
C-Really I can't wait to see you
M-You have got a lot of explaining to do
C-Wait what have...

I hung up the phone before he could finish his sentence. I left the service station and headed to the car. I got into the back and out my seatbelt on.

"You okay" Chet asked looking back at me.
"Just get me to Newcastle" I say looking over at Alfie.

The only though going through my head was Casey and Betsy. What if they were together, what if he was cheating. Would he really do that to me, to our family.

I guess I would have to wait and find out...

A/N- what do you guys think?
Has Casey cheated?
Comment and let me know!!
Next chapter will be up soon,
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Love me xoxo

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