Two// Christmas party

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Millie's pov

Casey drive to my mum's house as we both knew I was going to have to drive back. I'm not too bothered about drinking alcohol but Casey likes to when he is at parties and stuff like that.

We pulled up outside and got the presents out the boot then made our way to the door. I rang the doorbell two times then my mum finally opened it.

"Merry Christmas mum" I say stepping into the house and giving her a hug.

"And to you" she replays with; I stop in the small hall way beside the stairs to wait for Casey to come in.

"Merry Christmas carol" Casey says giving my mum a hug and a kiss on the cheek. My mum and Casey get on really well which was understandable as they had both been a big part of my life for a very long time.

"Merry Christmas" my mum says pulling away from the hug. The three of us walked into the living room where most of my family was, well apart from Liam and his family as they were most likely running late. None of Casey family were here yet be we knew they were going to be late. All our friends were sitting there as well.

"Merry Christmas everyone" I say walking into the living room, saying it to everyone at once saved me saying it to everyone individually. I gave everyone a hug and so did Casey then sat down next to my friends to have a chat.

"Babe, you want a drink" Casey says walking pasted me towards the kitchen. Once he got to the door frame he stopped and turned around to wait for my answer.

"Lemonade" I say sweetly and he nods. My mum's living room looked amazing even though from the outside you would think the house was not the best, but it really was beautiful inside and very Christmassy.

A few minutes later Casey walked back in and handed me my drink them dropped himself in between me and Kate, sitting back on the sofa he throw his arm around me.

"Hi, Millie" Kelly says walking down stairs, so I had to stand up to give her a hug and say merry Christmas to her which I did.

"Casey, might as well start giving presents out" I turn and say to Casey who then pulled himself of the sofa and walked to the massive bin bag we had bought filled with presents. We both started handing them out and watching our family and friends faces light up when they saw what we got them.

We got Kelly three tickets to the X factor tour in London and the new one direction perfume. Matty got two x-box games and a jack wills top from us. We got mum and gran tickets to see an old band they both liked and both a new top. For our friends we got Emily, Kate and Alice cloths and perfume while Adam and will got vouchers for topman.

At this point Liam, Jade and Harry came in so we said merry Christmas to them and handed them their presents. We got Liam a new top and a DVD, Jade got perfume and a dress. Harry got a cuddly monkey and some other toy he could play with.

I got a lot of nice cloths and so did Casey, also my mum got me, Kate, Emily and Alice a spa day for four which we liked.

As Casey's family came in they all got their presents and before long it was time for them food. My mum with the help of my gran and Casey's mum had made an amazing roast dinner for all of us and there were a lot of us.

It was really nice and we all thanked my mum for it. We went and sat back down in the living room and drifted into small groups of conversation. I was talking to Liam, Chet and Kate with Harry sitting on my knee half asleep with his new toy monkey in his arm.

Casey's pov

I was standing at the side of the living room talking to Adam and Will when I looked over at my beautiful girlfriend siting of the sofa talking to her brother and my brother. But you could tell she wasn't interested in what they were saying she was too busy admiring baby Harry on her knee.

I knew that Millie was going to make a good mum some day and I hope I will be just as good of a dad as she will be a mum. We have never really sat down and talked about having a kid, it was mentioned at one point but then Millie started being unwell so we put it on hold. By unwell I mean being sick a lot nothing like staying in hospital just throwing up.

After admiring Millie for a while I left my conversations with my mates and went and sat behind her on the sofa. I put my hand over her arms which were supporting Harry. I could see this being our future but our baby in our arms. It would be perfect.

The night went on and we had a good time, it came to about 11:30pm when me and Millie called it a night. We said bye to everyone and then headed home. Millie was driving as I had been drinking, I most definitely wasn't drunk but there was no point in someone driving who had been drinking when there was someone who hadn't been drink there.

Once we got home we went straight to our bedroom and Millie put her new pyjamas on and I put some jogging bottoms on then climbed into bed next to her.

"I love you Millie" I say resting her head onto my shoulder and hugging her.

"I love you Casey" She replied with, I lightly kiss her forehead and then instantly drift off to sleep.

A/N- I apologise if that wasn't very good I wrote it at 11:00pm so I was like half asleep. Might have been short but you know. Hope you like the books story line, tell me what you think please
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Love Me xoxo

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