Forty two// Where has the time gone?

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Casey's pov

A week has past In a heart beat, where has the time gone? A week today I'm due to marry Millie, honestly I couldn't be more happy right now.

Chet's pretty mad at me at the moment as I have decided not to ask Millie about the cheating thing. I can't risk losing her, I don't bey she would do that to me.

Time might have gone fast this week but so much has happened, We bought our first family home together and we're all moved in, all the wedding planning has finished the wedding is all set to go ahead in a weeks time.

"So what do you want for dinner" Millie says as she enters the living room with Alfie in her arms.

"That's for me to know and for you to think about for the next twenty minutes" I say taking Millie's hand and walking her round the sofa to sit down next to me.

"Your actually cooking for me" Millie say quite shocked.

"I've cooked for you before" I defend myself.

"Yeah and you managed to burn the frozen pizza" Millie reminds me followed by her laughter.

"Well I best make it up to you" I say kissing her forehead and leaving the room. I walked into the kitchen and started to prepare dinner for the two of us.

Millie's pov

Alfie had finished his dinner and I was now giving him his last bottle of the day before I could put him to bed.

I'm sat at the kitchen table watching Casey's cool for like the second time ever, it's quite entertaining. Just the way he concentrates makes me laugh and the face he pulls when he does something wrong gives me the giggles.

"How long till my meal Mr Johnson?" I ask pepping over his shoulder.
"Not too long Miss Hope" Casey's tells me, most people would say we have a very typical relationship calling each other Mr and miss but I love it.

"Miss soon to be Mrs" I say before taking Alfie upstairs to bed.

Ten minutes later He's asleep and I gently closed the door and headed back to the kitchen.

"Wow, this looks lovely" I say entering the kitchen, in the space of ten minutes Casey had finished the food, set the table with a candle in the centre and put little fairy lights around the room.

"Your table Miss Hope" Casey says takin my hand and leading me to my chair. He placed the food in front of me and the sat down across from me with his food, so far I'm very impressed.

"This is so sweet" I say reaching out for Casey's hand.

"Well we haven't had time for just the two of us recently, with me being away and the sleepless nights with Alfie I figured you need treating" Casey says connecting our hands.

We ate the meal Casey had prepared, which by the way was amazing, then headed to the living room.

"So what did you get up too while I was on tour?" Casey asked me well let me see I looked after our kid, spent time with my dad who I hadn't see in about 13 years and fell out with my soon to be brother in law, just the normal! But I could tell Casey all that.

"Not a lot I went places with the girls and had a few quite days with Alfie" I decide to tell him.

"So are all the boys set to come to the wedding?" I question changing the conversation topic before Casey could ask any more questions.

"Yeah they all coming and their bring family too" Casey tells me.

"That great I haven't seen them all in what feels like forever" I explain and Casey smiled back at me.

"So Chet agreed to being my best man" He tells me, I'm still annoyed at Chet for whatever went on last week, also he kicked up a fuss when Casey told him we had bought a house together, he's suddenly so against me!

"That's good" I say with a fake smile which Casey picked up on straight away.

"Are you okay with that?" Casey asked looking back at me quite worried.

"Yeah I am but... will you please ask Chet why he hates me all of a sudden" I blurt out immediately wishing I hadn't.

"He doesn't hate you, why do you think that" Casey asked, great now I have to explain everything.

Casey's pov

So Millie just told me about her fight with Chet and although I had decided to forget about mine and Chet's theory about Millie possibly cheating but the fight that had gone on brought it back into my head.

"Do you think he hates me?" Millie says drawing my attention back to her.

"Where were you going all them days?" I asked, she didn't look very impressed with me avoiding her question but thought about how to answer mine.

"Just out and about with the girls and family" Millie says stumbling through her sentence.

"Then why couldn't you take Alfie with you" I questioned and Millie turned to face me removing my arm from around her.

"What am I not aloud days off from being a full time mum. I don't know how you can question me like this you were away not helping me out and..." Millie begins her rant but I hush her.

"Alright Mill, I'm sorry I shouldn't of questioned you like. You did so well while I was away coping by yourself" I tell her and she gave me a weak smile.

"I'll see you in the morning I'm off too bed" Millie says quickly escaping the room before I could say anything.

I ran my fingers through my hair, every time things start to go right something happens and we go back to square one.

I sound like a five year old right now but all I want is my happily ever after with Millie and at some points I think it will still happen but as time goes on it's beginning to look less likely.

Love Me xoxo

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