Thirty eight//Real life

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Casey's pov

I'm not going to lie, waking up and having Millie in my arms again was the best feeling ever. Even though we woke up to the screaming of Alfie.

"Is this what he does every morning" I ask as Millie rolls out of the bed to see to Alfie.
"I think he just wants the attention this morning" Millie tells me with a laugh.

"I'll get his bottle ready if you watch him" Millie says and I nod, she hands Alfie to me and then leaves to make his bottle.

About five minutes later Millie returned with the bottle.

"Would you like to do the honers" Millie say and I laugh in agreement. I start to give Alfie his bottle.

"So what do you fancy doing today?" Millie ask me.
"I'll do whatever but I need to pack later on today for the tour" I tell her.
"How long are you away for?" Millie questions.
"Just 10 days" I reply with.

We snuggled put and watched some TV.

Millie's POV

We're still in bed just watching TV when the door bell rings.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I ask Casey's and he shook his head. I slid out from under the covers and put my slippers on. I walked down the stairs and to the door.

I opened the door to reveal a man who looked to be in his 40s very little hair on his head and in simple jeans and a top.

"Can I help you" I say to get his attention.
"Millie I found you" he says in a very happy tone.
"Sorry I don't know you" I tell him and his face drop.
"You don't remember me" he says, and I shook my head. At this point Casey's came down the stairs and stood by me.
"Can I help you mate" Casey says noticing my uncomfortableness.

"No I'm hear to speak to her" the man at the door said.
"Who even are you"Casey demanded.
"I'm her dad" The man spoke, I felt light headed I couldn't think straight. I felt myself fall towards Casey who supported me. The last thing I remember was hearing Casey call my name over and over.


My eyes flickered open, the bright lights blinded me. I looked down to see Casey's smiling face, he moved closer to me.

"How are you feeling babe" he ask me.
"What happened did I faint?" I question and Casey nodded.
"Why?" I follow up with another question. Casey stayed silent, he help me sit up properly, my eyes scanned the room, as I looked behind me I saw them who had been at my door. That's when it all came back to me.

"Get out!" I scream in his direction.
"Please Millie, give me a chance to explain myself" I begged.
"No I have no interest in listening to you" I tell him.

"Millie, I think you should listen to him" Casey tells me.
"Why, why should I" I say.
"Well he told me everything and I think you'll want to hear this" Casey tell me.
"You have five minutes" I say I'm the direction of my dad.

"Okay for starters I didn't leave your mother she divorces me, she took me to court and said that I abused her, cheated on her and a lot of other stuff that I didn't do. The court decided that I was unsafe to be around children so a court law was put in place that I couldn't see any of my kids till they were over 18" my dad explains, yeah it was a good story but my mum would never lie and do that.

"Shut up! My mum would never do that, your five minutes are up now leave before I call the police" I demand.

"You definitely take after your mother" my dad says with a little chuckle.
"Why are you laughing!" I shoot back at him.

"Millie calm down" Casey tell me.
"Who's side are you on here" I ask him.
"Millie I'm always on your side but I don't want you to push your dad away, don't get me wrong I love you mum but I think he's telling the truth" Casey explains, which made me deeply upset that Casey had that much doubt in my mum.

"Casey how could you think my mum would do that" I say and he just shakes his head.
"I can prove it" My dad jumps in.
"Okay give me proof" I says. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelop.
"Open it" he says while handing it too me. I roped open the previous opened envelop and pulled out a thick piece of paper.

I read it in my head and it was the court law that said my dad couldn't be around us kids till we were 18, so he was telling the truth.

"I just find this all to hard to believe" I express handing to papers back to my dad.
"Liam and Grace were shocked and unsure to begin with but they have accepted it now" my dad tell me.

"I thought you said you could find us when we were 18, I'm 19 now" I question.
"It takes a while to find people, you have been the hardest so far" my dad explains.

"Look I know it's a lot to take in but I want to be a part of your life, I'll leave you to think about it all. Here's my number ringing if you want to talk about it" my dad says leaving his number on a piece of paper before exiting the house.

What the hell is going on. this is like some dream that I just want to wake up from and forget. I even pinched myself just to see if I was dreaming,

Nope this is real life...

A/N- I had writers block for ages so this chapter took so long!

New chapters soon as possible
Love Me xoxo

Our happily ever after - Casey Johnson//Stereo KicksWhere stories live. Discover now