Thirty six// That two faced cow!

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Millie's pov

Later on that night after about five hours of driving, as traffic was very bad, I arrived at Jakes flat in Bristol. It was about 11:45 when i pulled up outside.

The journey had dragged on, me being alone with my thoughts for a long period of time is a risky thing. I started having massive doubts in my mind about what happened that night, and it was starting to drive me insane not knowing the truth.

I raced into the flat block and stumbled up all five flights of stairs to get to Jakes flat. I repeatedly knocked on the door until a half-asleep Jake appeared.

"Millie what the hell are you doing here at 12" Jake mumbles as he stretched in the doorway.

"I'm here about Casey and me" I say and he suddenly fully awoke.

"I need to talk to you and it's really important you tell me the truth" I say as I followed Jake into his flat. It was quite a nice flat, not as messy as I expected I have to admit.

I took a seat on the sofa with Jake who could hardly keep one eye open, ever so often he would let out a yawn and I little gilt would enter my mind.

"Sorry that I woke you up" I tell him and he just chuckled a little.
"It's alright, so what do you want to know" Jake questions.

"I want to know everything that happened that night" I say and Hake began his story, so far it was matching both story's from Casey and Betsy.

"...I was at the bar with Tom and I looked over at Casey and Betsy. she was definitely trying it on with him and he was just letting her down politely but she wasn't getting the message" Jake continued his flash back to the night.

"I watched Casey try to leave but Betsy was stopped him, soon enough Betsy made her move and pretend to fall. Casey being a gentleman he caught her then try to put Betsy back on her feet. Once again she was having none of it. The next thing I knew Betsy just kissed him" Jake said, ever time it's mentioned I feel a pain run through my heart.

"How long was the kiss?" I ask shyly quite apprehensive about the answer I was going to get.

"At the most four seconds, but Casey pulled out straight away" Jake informs me with a lot of enforcers.

"Okay go on" I say asking him to continue with the story.

"So Casey ran out the club and I followed Tom went to have a word with Betsy, when-" Jake starts but I interrupt

"Sorry can I just ask how drunk were they?"
"Casey had had about five six beers so he wasn't totally aware of what he was doing but Betsy was completely sober" Jake tells me which didn't match what Betsy had told me, she said they were both drunk.

"One minute Betsy was sober" I repeat Jakes previous statement.
"Yeah she doesn't drink" Jake informs me, what a kier she told me they were both drunk, I was starting to believe Casey but there was still one more piece of valuable information I need to know about.

"So anyway I sent Casey back to the hotel after talking to him for a bit then I went back into the club. Nothing else happened between then" Jake finished the flash back.

What about what Betsy had said about them waking up in the same bed? Did she lie about that two or had Casey just missed that out to soften the story.

"What about the next day"?" I ask trying to be careful about how much I had already been told.

"Nothing really Casey was depressed all day about what e had done the night before" Jake tells me.

"So they didn't see each other at all" I state still trying not to make it obvious.

"That Two faced cow!" I shout slamming my head into my hands what had I done. why did I not just believe Casey.

"Millie what's wrong" Jake asked putting his arm around me.
"I didn't believe him, I let him go" I say and Jakes eyes glanced down at my left hand.
"You gave him the ring back" he stats looking back up at me and I just nod.

"Why? I knew the situation was bad but I didn't think you would split" Jake questions. I sat with my thoughts for a second thinking about what I was going to tell Jake next.

"I asked her about what happened" I say and Jake let out a deep sigh.
"What did she tell you" Jake asked bluntly.
"She said they were both drunk and that the kiss was an accident... also that" I started having to stop to brush away the tears rolling down my face.
"...that they woke up next to each other" I say breaking down into a fit of tears. Jake comforted me in his arms until I had pulled myself together.

"Millie I promise you they didn't wake up in the same bed, I was in Casey's room she wasn't there I swear to you" Jake says, I have never seen him so serious about anything before.

Casey was telling the truth! CASEY!

"I have to get back to him" I say jumping up from the sofa and heading for the door. Jake grabbed my wrist before I could exist the flat.

"Millie it's to late to be driving, I'll go with you in the morning" He was to me.

"Are you mad I need to get my Casey back" I weep to him.
"And you will but your tired, get some rest here and we will leave first thing in the morning I promise" Jake tells me and I simply nod. Jake pulled me into a hug and held me tightly, if only I was in Casey's arms.

"Everything will be okay, he'll take you back" Jake tells me which struck doubt into my mind. What if Casey didn't take me back what it he wanted us apart. Life is to complicated!

Jake took me to the guest room in his flat and gave me some cloths which I could sleep in. I thanked him then he left to return to his slumber. I quickly put in the cloths then jumped into bed.

Not wanting to sleep I sat up on my phone scrolling through all my photo's. Reliving past memories of mine and Casey's relationship. From as far back as him asking me out when we were 17 years old up to the day we got engaged and Alfie was born.

I couldn't wait for those memories to be life again, I just hope Casey still loves me as much as I love him.

Now Millie knows the truth and wants Casey back do you think they will get back together or has Casey had a change in heart?
Comment and tell me what you think will happen next !

New chapter will be uploaded as soon as possible.
Love Me xoxo

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