1. Night out

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Arthur attaches his horse to one of the many wooden planks.
He didn't have the chance to drink in a while. Too much work for one simple man.
As he walks up the stairs he can hear quite some commotion going on inside.
He was curious as to what was happening and enters with high expectations.

All the men and women are shouting and holding up their glasses, their faces bright red from all the alcohol they had consumed beforehand.
Arthur's gaze continues to wander through the room. Then he finally finds the source of all the commotion.
A man and a woman are throwing punches at each other mercilessly.
For a moment he thought of stopping the fight as it seems unfair.
A petite woman is holding her own against a much larger and muscular man.
Arthur is almost impressed.

He makes his way to the bar and asks for a simple glass of whiskey as he continues to watch the fight.
"How long has this been goin'", He asks the barkeeper. "A while. She's good."
Arthur looks back at the woman.

Her skin was tanned by the sun and her face is covered in freckles.
Her black hair is messy from all the pulling but Arthur is surprised that her face is filled with excitement and adrenaline.
"Come on! Is that all you got, big man", She yells, provoking the man in front of her.
He lets out a displeased grunt and charges towards the girl.

With a smirk on her face she lifts her knee and rams it against the guy's chin.
Startled and completely knocked out by her actions the man falls onto his back unconscious.

The girl hovers over the man and grabs one of his teeth that fell out.
She holds it up in the air as if it were a trophy.
The Saloon cheers for her.
Arthur has never seen it this loud before, not even in a bar fight.

With a bright smile on her bruised face the girl wanders over to the bar.
The barkeeper places a full glass in front of her. "On the house, Rex."
"Thanks!" She gulps down the liquid and slams the glass onto the counter.
Arthur's curiosity gets the better of him.
"Nice fightin'. What'd he do?"
The girl looks at Arthur. "Pestering those women. He deserved a lesson. The name's Rex."


Arthur has heard of the name before.
A famous bounty hunter. He never thought a woman could be behind an infamous name like that.
That was his mistake.
He clearly underestimated them.

"And you are", She suddenly asks.
"Arthur. Care for another drink?"
She nods.

Arthur signals the barkeeper to prepare them another round of drinks.

"So, Mister Arthur, what do you do?"
"What do ya mean?" She chuckles. "You look like a man with a decent job."
Arthur lets out a short "oh" after getting Rex's question.
"Just a simple traveler. Help out here and there. Nothin' special."
Rex nods at his answer. Clearly she had higher expectations but was also not surprised. Arthur looks like a simple man. She didn't know what to expect.
"What about you?"

Rex thought of something unaware that Arthur knows her name.
"Have a shop down the road."
"So sellin' at day and beating up men at night? Quite a hassle for a lady, ain't it?"

She chuckles once more. "It ain't. Keeps the life in me."
Arthur nodded.
He knows who Rex really is but he's not quite sure as to why she would be lying about herself and her profession. A mystery only she can solve.
"You 'round her often", He continues to ask awkwardly. It was sort of a trick question to see if she could keep her lie going.
She just raised an eyebrow at him.
"I live down the street, Arthur. Above the shop I told you about."

She's good. "Ah yes. My mistake."
He chuckles out of embarrassment.

"Another round", She asks. Arthur agrees and gulps down the liquid without thinking.
He drinks so much that he lost track of Rex's consumption.
She stopped many drinks ago and his watching the man get more and more drunk.

Rex grew suspicious of him after his questions. She purposely stopped drinking.
"Ya know, Rex! You a fine lady", Arthur says as he slaps his hand onto her back.
"And you a fine man, Arthur. You should stop drinking now otherwise you won't be able to work tomorrow."
Rex attempts to snatch the bottle of beer from Arthur's hands but fails. He's moving around too much.
She gets his attention by snapping her fingers. Rex then proceeds to snatch the bottle and put it as far away as possible.
Arthur gets loud in response. "Why'd you do that", He shouts.

"You had enough."
With that Rex grabs Arthur's arm and puts it around her shoulders.
She then forces him to stand up and walk outside.

The night sky is clear. Not a cloud in sight.
The air is clear and fresh.
"Deep breaths, Arthur."
Arthur is barely holding on. He is way too drunk to comprehend his surroundings.
Rex lets him sit down on the veranda to collect himself.
He reeks of the alcohol he consumed. It stinks.
"Alright, Arthur. How ya feelin'." No coherent sentence could leave the man's mouth.

This was getting to stupid for Rex. She wanted to leave and look for a place to sleep.

Before leaving she looks back onto the man below. He's asleep.
With swift hand movements she pats him down only to find what she was looking for. Money.
She takes a quick look around and takes it all only leaving a few quarters for him to enjoy.
With the new acquired money she gets onto her horse and rides off.

This was too easy.

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