Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Jesse's POV)

No words can explain how happy I am right now, for the past year I never lost hope that Holly was still alive. Now we are all sitting here having dinner in the room while we catch Holly up with everything that has been going on. I know she was worried I would hate her for running off like that but I don't. I couldn't blame her for something she thought she had to do. I am just so happy she is finally home. I can never hate her for that; what she did is a blessing in disguise.

"What are you thinking about?" Adrian asks as he leans on me.

This right here is what I love the most; just having him this close to me is enough for me.

"Just how things are falling perfectly into place." I wrap my arm around his shoulder and kiss his forehead.

"You ever thought everything would turn out this way?"

"No, you would have asked me two months ago I would be this happy, I would have told you, you are high. Two months ago, I didn't think I deserved to be happy, but now I finally know what happened to Holly and that she is okay. I welcome the happiness. What about you, did you think this is how things were going to turn out for you?"

"Nope, if you hadn't walked into my life I would probably still be with Hector in a secret relationship. Without you around I wouldn't have been feeling like I was just his dirty little secret. I would be somewhat happy, but I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now. I never thought I would ever be with someone that wouldn't care what other people thought. That just being with me is enough and that they would do anything for me." Adrian grabs my hand and brings it to his lips as he lightly kisses my palm.

Moments like this is why I love him so much. Delicate touches and kisses from him every now and then let me know he feels the same way. The unspoken words between us, the I love you we never have to say, because we can feel it in the touches and kisses we share. I stare deeply into his eyes, the beautiful blue I first fell in love with. The eyes I could just lose myself in, the way his pupils dilate as we stare at each other. The way his cheeks grow red as if I was looking right into his soul, sometimes it feels like I am. Every emotion he feels, I can see it in his eyes; when he is sad, happy, or the rare moments when he is mad. Sometimes, I will just get him mad, just because he looks adorable and all I have to do is kiss him and he is happy again.

"Jay, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Holly asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sure." I kiss Adrian as I get up and follow Holly outside of the room. We walk down the hallway before stopping at the elevator. "So what do you want to talk about?"

Holly presses the button and the door opens, she walks in and I follow. She presses the button and the elevator moves. "I like him and I can see why you fell in love with him."

I smile. I'm just glad she approves of me being gay.

"He is very cute and he has very beautiful blue eyes. I'm taking a guess here, but that is the first thing you noticed about him?"

I chuckle.

"I knew it! You did always have a weakness for blue eyes."

"What can I say there is something about them that makes me weak in the knees."

Holly hugs me tight as if she lets go I will be gone. "I'm sorry for running off like that. I know you said you're not mad nor do you blame me, but I just want you to know I'm really sorry."

It must run in the family for us to feel bad for our actions. "I know Holly, but like I said I'm grateful you're home and I'm grateful for everything that happened."

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