Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Adrian's POV)

The last few days have been an emotional roller coaster for me. I am still trying to get over what is going to happen to Hector and I am worried about Jesse. He is in a lot of pain, but he refuses to take the painkillers. He doesn't want to become dependent on them. However, he just grins and bears the pain, because he doesn't want me to blame myself for the pain he is going through.

"Ugh, will you stop looking at me like that? I'm fine." He kisses me on the lips, "You worry too much."

He hugs me and I rest my head on his chest.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you in pain, especially when--" he places his finger over my lips.

"Stop it; it's not your fault."

I sigh no matter what I try to say, he will always say it's not my fault. I just don't think I can ever believe that.

"Now if you don't mind, I could really use some help getting ready. Unless your family won't mind me showing up shirtless." He chuckles as he starts putting on his light green dress shirt.

I help him put his arm in and help him button it up. I help him tuck in his shirt.

"You know you don't have to wear a tie, just the dress shirt and slacks are fine."

Jesse throws the tie around his neck, "I know, but I want to make a good impression on the rest of your family."

I fix the collar over the tie and straighten it for him. Then, I help him throw the sling back on, he hates it, but he still needs it for a few more weeks.

"So how do I look?" He sticks out his good arm and does a little spin for me.

"You look good babe. Now that you're ready to go let's see if your dad and aunt are ready."

He grabs my hand and we walk to the living room to find them waiting for us.

"It's about time. Come on its rude to be late." Craig says as he pushes us outside to the cars. Jesse and I go in mine and his dad and aunt go in theirs.

I grab Jesse's hand as I drive us towards my house; I know I have no reason to be nervous. He has already won my parents over but he is going to meet my twin brother and sister. They might be okay with me being gay, but they aren't very keen on meeting new people.

"What are you nervous about? Your parents love me and your brother and sister will too." He squeezes my hand as I pull up to my house. "You worry too much. You're going to make yourself sick."

I roll my eyes at him.

"It's in my nature to worry. I can't help it. All I think about are the negative things that could happen."

He leans over and places his hand on my cheek. "Well, I think we are going to have to change that now." He leans in closer and kisses me just as his dad knocks on the window.

We both groan and separate from each other.

"This old man really knows how to ruin a moment."

I chuckle as he opens his door and gets out.

"Ugh what dad, can't you see we were in the middle of something?"

His dad rolls his eyes and points at him, "look here boy just because you're hurt doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you."

They both stare at each other with a serious looks on their face. I am starting to get worried, then they both bust out laughing. I walk up to Jesse and punch him on his good arm.

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