Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Jesse's POV)

Ugh, I feel like I was ran over by an eighteen wheeler, my body aches awfully, but it is worth it. Protecting Adrian was all that mattered to me at the time. God I wonder how he is doing. I just hope he doesn't think any of this is his fault. I shift a little and pain shoots through my abdomen and left shoulder. Ugh, it is going to suck until my wounds heal.

I let what had happened yesterday replay in my head. At the moment it was all a blur. I just knew as soon as I saw Hector pointing the gun at Adrian I had to protect him. I wasn't going to let him take away the only boy I have ever loved. I sit up the best I can as the nurse walks in.

"Good morning sweetie, how are you doing this morning?" She asks as she checks my IV.

"I have been better, just a little hungry and thirsty." She gives me a smile as she looks at my chart.

"Well the doctor is putting you on a soft food diet, so let me see what I can get for you." She pours me a cup of water and hands it to me. "Meanwhile here is something to take care of your thirst."

I take a long drink of water. God, it feels good as it travels down my parched throat. "Thank you, may I have some more?"

She takes the cup from me and pours some more water.

"You know you were very lucky, not many people come out of your situation so well. However, I admire your reason for doing what you did. You must really love that boy, which is good because I can see he really loves you." She smiles at me as I blush.

I didn't know that people here were going to know my reason for getting hurt.

"So if you're ready they are some people who are waiting to see you."

I am a little nervous as to what they are going to say. I know what I did was foolish but I had to do it.

"Um yeah sure let them in," I smile.

I just hope they understand I did it to protect the boy I love. I finish the second cup of water as the nurse walks out to get my first visitors. I know that the first people that are going to walk through that door are going to be my dad and Emmy. God, I hope Emmy isn't crying. I hate to see her cry.

I watch the door and wait for them to come it, Emmy is the first one in. Her eyes are bloodshot and I can see she didn't sleep well either. She walks over to me and reaches for my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. I'm pretty sure she wants a hug, but is afraid of hurting me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks as she sits down in the chair next to my bed.

"Aside from the tenderness and soreness, I'm feeling pretty good." I smile at her, hoping it will reassure her I am fine. My dad walks in and stands next to the chair.

"Hey son, you look good." He looks worse than he did when he brought me in the time I tried to kill myself.

I'm guessing I was pretty bad if they thought there was a possibility I wasn't going to make it. I hate just lying here in this awkward silence. I know they want to know what happened.

"So who is going to ask me about what caused me to get shot twice?" I look at them as they look at each other.

My dad sighs as he looks back at me. "So what happened?"

I tell them everything from the real reason Adrian broke up with Hector to the shooting. I watch as they process everything. It is a lot I hid from them and I had a feeling they are going to be upset. I know they are just going to ask why I didn't come to them about everything that was going on.

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