Chapter Thirty-One

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(Jesse's POV)

Four years later

We are finally out for the semester; we are excited to go home and meet the newest addition to the family. Two weeks ago, my baby brother, Eric, was born and this is going to be the first time I see him. I think Adrian is more excited than I am. He is going to be able to consider him as his little brother as well, just until he is old enough to know Adrian is his brother-in-law, my husband. My baby sister, Kaylie, knows Adrian is my boyfriend, but she calls him her brother too. I know it makes him happy to know that she loves him just as much as me.

We decided to wait until we were done with college before we get married. Just a few more months and we will be married. We would have been married already, but after we graduated from high school Adrian's parents paid for us to go backpacking through Europe. We took the year off and spent six months over there, it was the best time of my life. When we came back it was just in time to be here for Kaylie's birth. I am happy for my parents, they truly deserve to be together and have a family together.

"Did you make sure you put the gift in the trunk?" Adrian asks as we pull up to my parents' house.

I chuckle; I am so tempted to tell him I forgot. He always looks so adorable when he gets mad, especially since I know it took him forever to find the gift. "Oh dammit! I knew I was forgetting something." I frown and hit the steering wheel.

I glance at Adrian, he looks pissed. His face is scrunch up and his cheeks are red as he turns to look at me, man if looks could kill. I chuckle again and lean in to kiss his cheek.

"I'm kidding baby, the gift is in the trunk." I wink at him; he punches me in the arm. "Ow you're so violent sometimes." I rub my arm, he is still mad.

"Only because you make me that way. When will I ever learn you only do things like that because you want to see me get mad. By the way you're sleeping alone, the entire time we are here."

"Oh baby that is so cold, come on you can't do that to me. Baby its cold outside."

Adrian rolls his eyes at me. "Then, maybe you will quit making me mad just because you think I look adorable."

I lean in to capture his lips, his anger melts as he relaxes and wraps his arms around my neck. He is never mad for long, yes he will hit me when he knows I only did it to see him get mad, but he is never angry for long.

"God, I hate that you make me forget how angry I am at you."

I chuckle and rest my forehead against his, "but that is why you love me and you know you can't sleep without me."

I kiss him again, his soft lips press against mine. I lean closer to him as I slip my tongue in, rolling over his. His hands creep up in my hair as he lightly pulls on it. I moan as his tongue brushes over mine, if breathing wasn't important I could kiss him all day. We break apart breathing heavy.

"You think they noticed we are here already?" He smiles wickedly at me.

"I don't know what you have in mind?" I know what he wants and I want it too.

"Hmm, oh I'm pretty sure you know what I want, but I guess we will have to wait until later."

I pout when I see Holly and Kaylie walking towards the car. "Damn."

Adrian chuckles and kisses me before he gets out of the car.

"Addy," Kaylie runs to Adrian and he picks her up.

It is cute what she calls him, she can't say Adrian quite right yet and decided to call him Addy. He doesn't mind, in fact he loves it.

"Kiki I missed you!" She giggles as Adrian gives her a big kiss on her cheek.

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