Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Jesse's POV)

Life is good again. Holly is back. Dad and Emmy are getting married today and I am with the most wonderful boy ever. What more could I ask for?

"The bride is asking for you." Speaking of the devil, Adrian wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. "You should wear a suit more often, you look very handsome."

"Even with this sling?" Ugh, three more weeks and I can finally get rid of it as well as the stitches, but I have a lot of physical therapy ahead of me.

"Yes, because I know the reason you have to wear it. It's a symbol of your love for me. You put your life at risk to save me. I don't know how many guys would do that. Everything you went through just to be with me would have put off most guys. They wouldn't want to work that hard to get someone."

"Well, they just don't know how special you are." I turn my head and kiss him lightly on the lips, he sighs as he closes his eyes.

"When you have a wonderful boyfriend that doesn't let a day go by without him telling you, you're special, it's kind of hard not to believe it. You will always be the reason I feel special, you always put my needs before yours. Not too many guys would do that."

"Well, I'm not most guys."

Adrian lets go of me and I turn around to face him. "Help me with my tie?"

He chuckles as he reaches up and does my tie.

When he is done, he leans in closer and I kiss him again. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, now the bride is waiting for you to walk her down the aisle." He kisses me, "I'll be waiting for you."

I watch as he walks out of the room. I take a deep breath and walk to Emmy's room. I knock on the door and wait for her to open it.

"Come in."

I open the door and find her looking in the mirror. She looks beautiful in her simple white dress; god only knows how long she has looked forward to this day.

"Oh Jesse I'm just about ready." She fixes a strand of hair before she turns away from the mirror. "So how do I look?"

I walk over to her and grab her hand, "beautiful as always." I kiss her on the cheek and she smiles at me, she is glowing and she looks happy.

"So are we ready to go?"

"Yes as ready as I will ever be." She smiles at me and picks up her bouquet.

We wait until the music starts to play and once it starts I hold out my arm for her to place hers on. She takes a deep breath before we start to walk down the aisle. It is a small wedding; mostly close friends of my dad and Emmy's. Along with Jane's and Adrian's family. We reach the end of the aisle and I hand Emmy over to my dad as I take my place next to him. I watch them and see how happy they look. I'm glad that they are finally about to be together. I turn and look at Adrian. He really does look handsome in a suit but I am not going to lie I do like him better in his skinny jeans and t-shirts.

He turns towards me; I do the sign for I love you. He smiles and returns the sign. I get to thinking how our wedding will be. I know that for our wedding we will have to do it in the state of Washington but I don't care. I don't care that most people won't like it, because their opinion doesn't matter to me. All that matters is the boy seating in the front row. As long as he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me, that is all that matters.

"May I have the rings?"

I snap out of my thoughts and reach into my pocket, pull out the rings, and hand them over to the preacher. I stand there and watch as my dad and Emmy exchange vows. I look over at Holly and she is crying. I smile at her and she smiles back, this is going to be a start of our family's new life. The way it should have been from the beginning.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

They kiss and they look so happy. I stick out my arm for Holly to take, and walk after the happy couple. I wait for Adrian and Jane to join me before we walk over to where we are having the reception.

"Oh my god that was a beautiful ceremony." Jane says as she takes hold of Holly's arm and they start walking ahead of us.

Adrian reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers. "So are we ready to join the party?"


We walk into the reception hall. To how my dad and Emmy were able to put a wedding together in such a short time is beyond me. We walk over to our table and sit down, we are served our meal. Everyone at the table talks and eats, I just mainly watch. Everyone is so happy and if you didn't know any of us, you would never guess most of us have been through so much.

"Now if the happy couple would please come to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple." The DJ says as he starts playing the song my dad picked out; it is their song when they had first gone out.

We sit and watch as the happy couple dances, I look at Adrian and see him moving to the beat of the song. I know he wants to dance but says nothing because of my sling. However, little does he know I have a surprise for him.

After a couple of songs and Adrian turning down Jane and Holly's offer to dance, I get up and walk over to the DJ. "Excuse me; I am wondering if I could put in a request?"

"You sure can, what song would you like?"

"Ocean Wide by The Afters." I really hope he has the song; it would be perfect for me and Adrian to dance too.

"Ah, you're in luck I do have this song. Would you like me to play it after this song is over?"

"Yes that would be great, thanks." I walk back to the table.

"So what were you asking the DJ?" Adrian asks, I just smile at him and start to undo the straps of my sling. "What are you doing you can't take that off." Adrian says as he stands up to stop me.

"Yes I can and you will see why I am taking it off."

I throw the sling on the table and stretch my left arm out, ugh it hurt like hell, but the pain is going to be worth it. Just as the song starts to play I stick out my hand to Adrian.

"Adrian will you do me the honor of dancing with me?" I smile at him.

He smiles back and shakes his head before taking my hand. "You know you're going to be hurting later."

I lead him to the dance floor and pull him closer to me, "I know, but it's going to be worth it, because I'm going to get to dance with you." I lean in and kiss him gently on the lips.

He sighs softly as he looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "You make it hard to be mad at you. You know you're going to be hurting, but you still do it."

I chuckle. "Baby when I'm with you I don't notice the pain. I only see you."

Adrian rests his head on my shoulder.

"When love is a rage sea you can hold onto me." I start to sing the song to him, because the words fit us so perfectly. "We'll find a way tonight, love is an ocean wide."

Adrian lifts his head up and looks at me, "you should sing more often. You have a beautiful voice."

I smile at him and kiss him on the tip of his nose. "Baby for you, I'll always sing to you." I continue to sing to him as we dance. If it is even possible I am falling even more in love with Adrian. "I love you Adrian." I whisper to him as the song finishes.

"I love you more," he whispers back.


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