Chapter Nine

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(Jesse's POV)

I take a deep breath as I walk into the kitchen. The smell that fills the air came from my aunt Emmy making breakfast or more like she was trying to make breakfast. She is trying to put out a small grease fire that had started. From the looks of it, she was trying to make bacon. I am getting the feeling that she has never really cooked breakfast. Now that I think about it I don't think she has ever cooked a day in her life, because from the looks of it she almost burnt down her own house.

"Here let me help you with that."

I grab the sack of flour off the counter and throw some on the fire. The flames go out and I grab the pan, place it in the sink. I chuckle to myself as I watch burnt bacon float to the top as water fills the pan. I turn around and faced my aunt Emmy. "I'm just going to take a wild guess here, but have you ever cooked before?"

She frowns at me as she smacks me on the arm.

"Is it that obvious?"

We both laugh at the mess in the kitchen.

"Ugh, I just wanted to give you a good breakfast before you left for school."

She frowns as she starts to clean the mess. I fill the sink with hot water and start throwing all the dirty dishes.

"You know I would have been fine with just a bowl of cereal or frozen waffles." I say.

She rolls her eyes at me and takes over washing the dishes. I step away from the sink and grab two bowls out of the cabinet. I walk over to the pantry and grab a box of cereal. I grab the milk out of the fridge and pour the cereal in a bowl.

"Do you want me to pour you a bowl as well?" I ask her as she finishes up with the last of the dishes.

"Yeah sure, again I'm sorry. Now I feel bad, you made me breakfast and I couldn't even do that for you." She pouts as she joins me at the table.

I laugh at the way she pouts her lips, it reminds me of how Holly looked when she would pout. I am hit with a wave of sadness; I hate not knowing if she is dead or alive.

"Are you ok?" Emmy asks.

I look back down at my bowl and move the cereal around in the milk.

"Yeah, I'm fine, so since you're not a five star chef, would you like it if I cook dinner for us?" I ask her quickly.

I am not really in the mood to talk about Holly right now. She huffs at me as she scrunches up her nose. Another little quirk Holly use to have.

"Jeez rub it in my face why don't you!"

I force a laugh, so she won't think anything is wrong.

"Well if you insist on making dinner, you're more than welcome."

I smile back at her as she pours milk into her bowl.

"Oh, you should invite Jane and Adrian. I don't mind having them over." She adds.

"Well, Jane might like to come over, but I don't think Adrian would. I'm not exactly his favorite person right now."

She frowns at me.

"Now before you think I did something wrong I didn't. For some reason, he doesn't like me, and I'm just trying to figure out why."

"Well it's not really your fault; he doesn't trust people so easily. Just give him time and he will come around, but I still think you should invite him over. I'm pretty sure Jane could get him to come."

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