Chapter Two

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Chapter Two (Jesse’s POV)

  I sit in my empty room with only my suitcase and laptop case by my door. The day has finally come, now I am just waiting for my dad to come pick me up. I want to spend some time with him before I leave for good. I have no plans of ever coming back here; once I leave I am not looking back. I check my phone again, my dad is running late. Good thing, I lied to him about the time my flight is leaving. I walk over to my window and look out, hoping he will come soon. I hear my door open with a bang, I close my eyes and sigh. I had been able to avoid her during the last two days. I was hoping I would have been able to leave without having to see her.

“I would have thought you be gone by now, but I guess your father forgot about you.” She snorts. “It wouldn’t be the first time now would it? But then again the men in this family aren’t very keen on remembering to pick up people now.”

I turn around to face her and open my eyes; she had a bottle of vodka in her hand. “Shit!” I look at the floor, I have a feeling I am not going to leave here unharm.

“What cat got your tongue, no witty remark? No sorry ass excuse about how you just lost track of time?”

I continue to look at the floor, maybe if I don’t say anything she will drop it and leave me alone.

I hear her move closer and she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. “Look at me when I’m speaking to you!” She takes another drink from the bottle.

From the way she is chugging the bottle it will be done with two more chugs. I try to keep my facial expression blank; I am not going to show how scare I am right now, how I wish my dad will just show up right now, and save me. She finishes off her bottle and tosses it to the floor, then eyes me closely and laughs in my face. Her breath is heavily laced with alcohol, which means that it isn’t her first bottle either.

“Stupid boy trying to be all macho, when we both know that inside you are just a scare little boy wishing his daddy will show up to save him.” She tightens her grip on my chin; I clench my jaw to keep from crying out in pain. “Well guess what, your daddy called to say he is running late. However, I told him the real time of your flight and to come when he could, so you and I can have some quality mother and son time, one last time.” She pushes me against the wall and places her arm on my throat. She leans in closer as she puts more pressure on my throat. I start to fight back, but she catches my arms and hold one in her hand and the other one she pins against the wall. “You think you could fight, you must be dumber than I thought.”

I feel like my head is going to explode from the lack of air. My vision starts to grow dark as the last of my oxygen leaves my body. Just when I think I am going to black out, she lets go and I can breathe again.  I am taking deep breaths when she pulls me away from the wall and throws me onto the bed. I land face first, she grabs my arms and pins them behind me as she places her knee on the back of my legs. I do my best to break from her hold, but I can’t even move. I feel her hand pull up my sleeves, something cold and sharp runs over my skin. I turn my head to see what it is, my eyes widen when I see the razor blade in her hand. I try to wiggle out of her hold, but stop when she puts more of her weight on my legs.

“Aaahh let me go!” I cry out in pain as she lets out an evil laugh.

“Why are you fighting it? Just a few months ago you were cutting yourself even to the point you almost killed yourself, hadn’t your daddy found you in time.” She presses the blade to my wrist; I feel the sting of pain as she drags it across my skin.

Crying out in pain as she cuts deeper into my old scars. I feel the blood gush out onto my hands. I start to cry, there wasn’t much I could do just wait and hope she will grow tired of this.

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