Part 2: Mad Max

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October 28 1984:

Y/n grabbed a ziploc bag with quarters in, it she put in sharpie Y/n ARCADE $ and threw it in her bag.

Then she heard her walkie go off. "Y/n do you copy? I've got 4 quarters, and Lucas has 20 what about you?" Dustin's voice rang over her walkie.

The grabbed the walkie and extended the antenna. She pushed the button and spoke into it, "Take Lucas's amount and multiply it by 5." She said with a smirk.

"Holy shit you have that kind of cash?" Dustin said.

She pushed the speaker button again. "I went into the fountain by the mall in Indianapolis, when I went last weekend." Y/n said with a laugh.

She grabbed a bag of cheeto puffs and threw them in as well as Dustin spoke again.

"I knew it was something." He said with a laugh.

That laugh made her cheeks go red.

She pressed the button. "Meet me outside in 5."

"Copy that." Dustin's voice rang over.

She grabbed her backpack and jacket and went downstairs to meet Dustin.


The 4 raced into the bike stands to put their bikes and go inside the Palace Arcade.

They heard a honk, and Will was there with his mom. "Hey!" Mike yelled waving.

Wills mom was talking with Will and Will looked eager to get out.

Will finally got out and closed the car door.


"To slay the dragon, use the magic sword." The princess on the screen told Dustin.

"Oh, Jesus! I'm uncharted territory here guys." Dustin said.

"Down! Down! Down!" Lucas yelled.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Dustin yelled back and moving the knob down.

The knight on the screen missed the dragon by several inches.

The knight ran away as the dragon breathed fire, and got smashed by a Boulder.

The princess yelped on the screen.

The 4 yelled even more at Dustin.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Dustin yelled as the dragon killed the knight on the screen.

"No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bullshit! Son of a bitch!" Dustin yelled as he kicked the game.

"You're not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day. But until then Princess Daphne is still mine." Lucas said with a shit eating grin.

"Whatever. I'm still tops on Dig Dug, and second on Centipede, because y/n beat my high score!" Dustin said glaring y/n who was also wearing a shit eating grin.

She put her hands up in defence, "its not my fault you suck." Y/n said.

"You sure about that?" A voice from behind them said.

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