Dig Dug

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"Guys this is Dustin again. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!" Dustin's voice came over y/n's walkie.

She marked her place in the book she was reading.

She picked up the walkie. "What do you want Dustin?"

"Y/n! Y/n can you come over?" Dustin's voice sounded frightened and ergent.

"Yeah sure. Is it about Dart?" Y/n asked raising an eyebrow and packing her stuff in her backpack.

"How did you know?" Dustin asked through the walkie.

"I know you hid him under your hat dude. I'm not dumb." Y/n said "I'll be over in like 2 minutes."


She went across her yard to see Dustin burying a cat.

"Whoa is that Mews?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. Yeah it is." Dustin said out of breath.

"I'm guessing there's blood?" Y/n asked.

"So much blood." Dustin said.

"I'm on it, where is it?" She said.

"My room." Dustin replied.

"Got it." She said before walking in the house to get the cleaning supplies.

Dustin came in his room soon after to see y/n taking off rubber gloves and putting them in a garbage bag.

"Wow. How did you do that?" Dustin said.

"I know how to get blood out of things." She said tying up the garbage bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Erica? Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?" Dustin paused in the middle of the driveway following y/n.

"Is he with Mike?" Dustin said again after y/n came back from the trash cans.

"Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code-" Dustin got cut off.

Y/n took out her walkie and turned it back on, "Listen Erica, I'll get you your own He-Man action figure so you won't have to take Lucas's if you please get Lucas." Y/n said trying to bribe her.

"Now that would be a good offer, but Lucas isn't home and he said he was with Dustin so I don't know where he is. Now I got a code for both of you. It's called code, shut. your. mouth." Erica said in the walkie and didn't respond.

"Erica?" Dustin asked.

"Oh that little shit." Y/n said as she turned off the walkie again and shoved it in her bag.


The 2 speed up Mike's driveway and dropped their bikes in the grass.

They ran up to the door, and Dustin rang the doorbell repetitively.

After a small while Ted opened the door.

"Your line has been busy for over 2 hours, Mr. Wheeler. Do you realize this?" Dustin asked.

"Oh I realize." Ted said in a droning voice.

"Is Mike home?" Dustin asked.

"No." He deadpanned.

"No then where the hell is he?" Dustin asked.

"Karen where's our son?" He yelled to his wife.

"Will's." Ted repeated after Karen yelled it to him.

"Well no one is picking up there ether. What about Nancy?" Y/n said raising an eyebrow.

"Karen where's Nancy?" He yelled to Karen once more.

"Ally's. Our children don't live here anymore. You didn't know that?" Ted said.

"Seriously?" Dustin said.

"Am I done here?" Ted asked clearly annoyed.

"Son of a bitch you're really no help at all." Y/n said.

"Did you know that?" Dustin said mocking Ted.

"Hey! Language." Ted yelled after the 2 walking down to their bikes.

They picked up their bikes and spotted Steve pulling into the side of the street.

They put down their bikes and watched Steve get out of the car saying something to himself. With a dozen roses in his hand.

"Steve. Are those for Mr. Or Mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin asked.

Steve looked at the flowers and said, "No."

"Good." Dustin said taking the roses.

"Hey. What the hell? Hey!" He yelled after the 2 walking to his car.

"Nancy isn't home." Y/n said.

"Where is she." Steve asked.

"Doesn't matter. We have bigger problems then your sad ass love life." Y/n said getting in the frontseat.

"Hey I want to ride shot gun." Dustin whined.

"Hell no. You're the one who brought us in this mess by keeping the damn thing and the least you could do is ride in the back seat." Y/n said opening the car door. She turned to Steve, "you still have the 2 bats."

"Bats? What bats?" Steve asked.

"The ones with the nails?" Y/n said.

"Why?" Steve asked.

"We'll explain on the way." Dustin said.

"Now?" Steve asked.

"Now!" Y/n said, urgently closing the car door.


Hey guys! If you haven't eaten or drinkin water yet, please do. Have a good day and go to bed if you haven't.
Word count: 790

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