E Pluribus Unum

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The five of you were watching through the windows of the door as the scientists were trying to open the gate with some kind of machine.

Dustin and Steve looked at eachother, "the gate."

They started to run down the stairs, "I don't understand. You've seen this thing before?" Robin asked.

Steve was behind her, "not exactly."

Robin looked behind her, "then what, exactly?"

Y/n was running down the steeps behind Dustin, "all you need to know is it's bad."

Steve spoke up, "yeah, it's really bad."

They reached the floor, "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it bad." Dustin summed up.

Robin stopped walking, "and you know about this how?"

Erica looked to the floor, finding that the Russian Steve beat up was gone, "um Steve, where's your Russian friend?"

Steve looked down, then the alarms started blaring.

Steve opened the door, to which some Russians spotted him and yelled at him.

Steve closed the door, "go, go, go!"

With y/n in the front, they opened another door, turned the corner and opened a third, only to come face to face with more Russians.

They all ran on the edge of the floor to a stair case, only to come to a dead end, almost falling off the edge.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Dustin started freaking out, he grabbed your hand and ran another way with the rest following behind you two.

Steve threw some metal barrels at some guards ran the opposite way.

The group ran into a room, Erica and Dustin went into a vent, while you, Robin, and Steve held the door.

"Come on!" Dustin yelled back.

"No! Get out of here!" You yelled back.

"Come on!" Dustin yelled once again.

"Just go get help!" Steve yelled.

Dustin hesitated but climbed into the vent.

The door burst open, throwing you three on the ground, with guns pointed at you.

The three of you put your hands up in defeat.


The guard and his buddy with the hat came into the room you were locked in.

The man with the hat spoke in a very heavy Russian accent, "now tell me, why are you here? How are you here? And who do you work for?"

Here's a little secret, you are a professional liar, you can come up with perfect lies on the spot.

So you told a few here and there, "well, I was with my friends in the sailers uniform, who work at Ocean themed ice cream parlors. Their package didn't come in, we went to the loading docks, saw our package, decided, hey its ours I guess we ca just take it. We went in, the room happened to be an elevator, the elevator dropped like a million miles and hour, broke out of elevator, got scared, and hid."

The guard punched you in the stomach.

You groaned in pain, "what is in your fist man? Bricks?"

The hat man, crouched down to your face, "who do you work for?"

You felt like throwing up, "I don't work for anyone, I'm telling you, we just stumbled upon this place. I swear! I don't think I'm even legally allowed to have an official job."

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