Piggyback pt:1

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"Okay" Nancy addressed the plan while everyone was in the rv, "I wanna run through it one more time."

She turned around, "Phase one."

Robin looked up from sitting at the table, "we meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready."

Nancy nodded, "phase two."

Steve looked at the ground, sitting opposite from where Robin was, "Max  baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll pun him in his trance."

Nancy looked from the ground to Steve, "Phase three?"

"Y/n, Eddie, and I  draw the bats away." Dustin said tightening his grip on your hand.

Eddie patted Dustin on the back.

"Four?" Nancy asked.

Robin answered, "We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and..." She shook the bottle with kerosene inside and a red towel sticking out, "Flambé."

Nancy looked at the floor once more, "nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied."

She looked up, "nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it." Everyone repeated in usion as they all stood up.

Grabbing your weapons, shoving your lighter and switchblade inside your pocket, you grabbed your spear and shield and heading out to catch up.

You all moved quickly and quietly, silently jogging to head inside the trailer.

Steve opened the door, and everyone followed.

Dustin looked at Steve, "be careful."

Steve patted his shoulder, "thanks buddy."

He grabbed the tied bed sheet, "here goes nothing."

Steve hoisted himself up and begun to climb.

As he reached the other side he flipped himself over and landed on his feet.

He looked up and disappeared for Eddie's mattress.

"What does he want us to do applaud?" Robin asked.

"I don't know he might be upset if we don't throw rose pettles at him for his performance." Y/n remarked, earning a chuckle from Dustin and a smile from Nancy and Robin.

Steve came back with the mattress and put it down on the floor, adjusting the rope.

He looked up, "Alright, Let's go."

Robin spotted Nancy as she climbed up and landed on her back to meet the mattress.

Steve helped her up and they threw the supplies up.

Eddie was next, after landing, earning help from Steve.

Robin let out a yelp as she fell onto the mattress with wide eyes, having both Steve and Nancy help her up.

You got on one knee, and held out your hand for Dustin to step on, he smiled at you and began to climb.

Landing on the mattress, he sat up and Eddie grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him off.

You hoisted yourself up and climbed, once over the hole, flipping yourself over and landing with two feet on the mattress.

Robin patted Steve's shoulder, "looks like you lost that one to a freshman Harrington."

Steve scoffed, "it wasn't a competition."

You smiled, "you're only saying that because you would've lost if it was."

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