The Dive

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"Not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car for this visit, cause this is gonna totally and royally suck." Robin said, in the front of the car.

You were in the trunk, with Dustin and Steve.

"It'll be fine." Nancy reassured.

"I just can't stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie's break again. I really, really cant." Robin said.

Steve shoved a chip in his mouth, "at least he can drink himself to feeling better. " Steve held up the six pack.

"That's what my mom does." Max said.

You hit Steve's arm, "really?"

Steve looked at you, "what."

You rolled your eyes.

"Why don't we give it a trail," Robin suggested, "Hey Eddie. Uh, good news first this time. We got you some Dustin approved junk food and that six pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. Only the bad news is that he's in that other, darker, much scarier dimension that we told you about and the gates closed so we have no way of getting to him. And-"

You cut Robin off from rambling, "Hey Robin, Robin breath, calm down."

"Maybe we don't put it like that." Lucas suggested.

"We're one step closer to finding Vecna." Nancy suggested, "that's what we say, that's what's important."

"See Robin, " Steve said, muffled from thw food in his mouth, "Positive spin can make all the difference."

"Uh, huh." Robin annoyingly said.

"Oh shit." Nancy said making you look forward through the front window.

More police cars, more caution tape.

"Damn this guy really is always at the wrong place at the wrong time." You said, Dustin nodding beside you.

The car pulled up behind the crowd of people and a new reporter van.

Everyone piled out of the car.

Nancy lead everyone to the less crowded side of the caution tape.

Powel was speaking, "...reporting a homicide here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lovers Lake, about ten yards from that house behind me. It was there that we found the victim, an 18, year old student from Hawkins High, Patrick McKinney."

You saw Lucas's face drop.

Powel continued to talk as he flipped through his notebook to see the evidence, "his limbs, his body was disfigured. There was an eyewitness on the scene. We have also identified a person of interest. Eddie Munson."

Powel held up a picture of Eddie, "we encourage anyone with information to please come forward."

"Oh man, this isn't good. This is really not good." Steve said as the reporters started to overlap eachother to ask questions.

Powel dismissed the questions, "You've got a lot of questions, and I'm going to answer as many as I can. Two o'clock at town hall, where anyone from the Hawkins community is welcome. But right now, I've got work to do, thank you for understanding."

Reporters still started asking questions as Powel walked away.

Dustin's radio turned on, "Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler? L/n?"

Dustin took put the radio and pressed the speaker, "Eddie Holy shit. Are you okay?"

"Nah man, I'm pretty godamn far from okay." Eddie's voice rang out.

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