piggy back pt:2 the start of an end

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You sprinted across the road as Eddie was fighting the bats swarming around him.

"Come on!" You heard him yell.

There was to many of them.

One grabbed Eddie by the throat with it's tail.

"No!" You yelled

You raised your right with the can of spray and your left with the light in front.

You clicked on the lighter and sprayed the aerosol can, making a makeshift flamethrower.

The flames burned the demobats leaving a opening in the sphere they created around your friend.

Dropping your lighter, you stabbed the demobat strangling Eddie.

He quickly got up panting.

You picked up the lighter again.

The flames came out but died after a few seconds.

You tried to click on the lighter again with what you thought was Eddie covering for you, but it wouldn't turn on.

"Shit!" You swore.

You looked over and Eddie was dragged across the road by another bat as he tried to fight it off.

You ducked, dodging another bat flying over you head before slicing it quickly and running towards Eddie.

More bats had surrounded your friend and some had made a wall between you and Eddie.

You held up your shield as you heard the screams of your friend.

Two flew at you, hitting one with the shield and the other with your spear.

Suddenly the demobats dropped.

You saw someone laying in the distance.

"Y/n!" Dustin yelled from behind you, limping.

He had a smile on his face while your eyes were locked on the body, tears flowing out.

He gave you a hug before pulling away and following your line of view.

"Eddie!" He yelled, realizing what was going on.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you over, still limping.

Finally unfrozen, you quickly grabbed Dustin's arm and put it over your shoulder, acting as a crutch walking quickly over to your friend.

Dustin dropped to his knees beside his friends body, "oh God Eddie."

"Bad huh?" Eddie said, quickly losing life.

Dustin was quick to reassure him as you took the bandana off Eddie's head and put pressure on his wounds, "no, no, you're gonna be fine we just have to get you to a hospital, okay?"

Eddie smiled through his pain, "I didn't rum away this time right?"

Dustin looked down, "no you didn't run away."

"You two are gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?" Eddie said.

You wiped your tears on your shoulder, "no you're gonna be okay, you can do that yourself. You can help them just like you helped us."

Eddie's eyes looked over to you, "its not your fault y/n. There was too many. I know you would blame yourself but don't."

You nodded, still thinking deep down it was.

His eyes shifted between you two, "Say you'll look after them."

Dustin shook his head.

"Say it." Eddie repeated.

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