Part 3: E. T. that you?

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Mike pulled up to the bike rack as they had been waiting for over 15 minutes.

"You're late." Lucas's said.

"Sorry." Mike said putting his bike in the rack.

"No you aren't. This is not the first time." Y/n said scoffing.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will said.

"Yeah, if you keep whinning about it. Let's go!" Mike said walking towards the mall doors.

"If YoU gUyS kEeP wHiNnInG aBoUt It. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas's mocked as the rest followed inside the mall.

"Just please stop talking dude." Mike said.

"Let me guess you were busy sucking face?" Y/n asked.

"Oh yeah, real mature y/n." Mike said.

"Oh El, I wIsH wE cOuLd MaKe OuT fOrEvEr AnD nEvEr HaNg OuT wItH aNy Of OuR fRiEnDs." Lucas mocked.

"Lucas stop." Max said.

"Will and y/n think it's funny." Lucas said.

"Because it is." Will said as y/n nodded.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said as they turned a corner in the mall.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas said putting an arm around Max's shoulders.

They went down the stairs bumping into many people on the way.

When they were at the bottom Mike pushed aside a girl.

"Hey watch it!" The girl said.

"Yeah, watch it nerd!" Erica said licking her ice cream.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked.

"Isn't it time you die?" Erica spat back.

"Phyco!" Lucas called as they past.

"Buttface!" Erica called back.

"Mall rat!" Lucas said walking backwards to face Erica.

"Fartface!" Erica said getting the last word.

"Now that was mature." Max said grabbing Lucas's arm and pulling him along.

They walked into scoops ahoy and Mike aggressively rung the bell.

"Hey dingus, your children are here." Robin called to Steve.

Steve opened the sliding doors.

"Again? Seriously?" Steve asked. Mike rung the bell once more.

Y/n slid a 5 to the tip jar and went along with the others running to the back and down the hallway.

"I swear if anybody hears about this-" Steve started but was cut off.

"We're dead!" The 5 said in usion.

When they got to the door, Mike opened it a little so he could see through a crack.

"All clear." Mike said.

They walked through the door and went into 'The day of the dead' movie.

They squished past multiple people and took the last seats in the theater.

"See Lucas we made it." Mike said as y/n and Will passed out snacks and drinks to their friends.

"We missed the previews." Lucas said.

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