The Nina Project

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"Guys! Wake up!" Nancy said as she was shaking the two of you to get up.

Dustin groaned, "what?"

You took your head off of his shoulder and sat up.

"Weren't you two supposed to be on Max watch?" Nancy said.

That woke you up, "yup, sorry" Dustin said rubbing his eyes.

"Then where is she?" Nancy said motioning to the empty spot on the couch.

"She's right", you looked over to the empty couch, "I swear we dozed off for," you glanced at your watch, "shit."

Nancy went wide eyed, "how long."

You looked at her, " hour."

The three of you raced upstairs and speed walked to the kitchen.

You stopped when you saw Max coloring on the table with Holly.

"Morning guys." Karen said, "everything ok?"

You looked over and saw she was making pancakes, "yeah, everything's great."

Max looked over and saw you.

You awkwardly waved.

Karen put some pancakes on a plate on the counter, "I think it's so sweet how you guys are sticking together like this."

Ted looked up from his newspaper, "could try sticking together at a different gouse for a change."

Nancy walked towards Max.

Karen turned to the both of you, "you know you two are welcome here anytime."

You and Dustin smiled, "totally, you're like family."

You pointed to the pancakes, "may I?"

"Absolutely." Karen said, handing you and Dustin both a plate.

You started grabbing pancakes.

"Yeah why not. Take us for all we're worth." Ted said.

You and Dustin looked over, "ok." You said in sync.

You both piled pancakes on your plates.

The two of you walked over to the table.

"He seemed surprised almost. Like he didn't want me there, " Max explained.

You eyed the drawings.

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind." Dustin suggested, "he invaded your mind right? Is it that big of a leap to suggest that you somehow wound up in his."

You agreed, "Like Freddy Krueger's boiler room."

Holly looked up, "Freddy Krueger?"

You smiled, "he's a super burned up dude, with razors for fingers, that kills you in your dreams."

"Y/n, seriously?" Nancy said giving you a look.

You sighed, "sorry, it's a movie. It's not real," you turned to Max, "just think about it. What if you somehow unlocked the back door to Vecnas world?"

Dustin picked up one of Max's drawings, "Maybe the answer is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing. God we need Will."

"No shit," Max said, "but I tried them again this morning and it's the same busy signal."

Nancy looked at the drawing Dustin had put down which had a door and a couple floating red rock things.

"Is this a window?" Nancy asked, looking at Max.

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