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I picked at my food not really wanting to eat what's in front of me. I wanted to throw up just by looking at it and the smell... don't even get me started. I pushed the plate away from me grabbing victor's attention.

"You okay babe?" He asked taking a bite out of his shrimp. We were having Chinese take out at home.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just don't feel like eating this." I said before getting up and heading upstairs to our bedroom. I sat on the bed sighing really hard.

There's no way I get sick 3 days before my wedding. I think it's some type of stomach virus cause I've been throwing up everything that I eat.

My stomach grew butterflies because my thoughts drifted to the memories me and west made that night. After everything why does he have so much power over me? Yes fucking him was a mistake but deep down inside I knew I still have some love for him and that shit is driving me crazy.

I can't get him off my mind. After that night we haven't spoken because I've been dodging his calls and texts I wanted nothing more to be with him but I can't. Victor would be devastated and I can't do that to him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket signaling that I have a text. I opened it and it was from west.

West: I'm leaving Cali later for good. Holla at me if you ever decide to come fuck with a real nigga😘

My heart skipped a beat reading that he was leaving. I hated these feelings it made me do reckless shit. I went to take a quick 15 minutes shower. After I got done showering I moisturized my body with some lotion.

I threw on some light blue shorts, a off white sweatshirt and off white sneakers to match.

I threw on some light blue shorts, a off white sweatshirt and off white sneakers to match

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I brushed out my straighten hair then grabbed my everyday mini purse. I took my phone and keys heading back downstairs.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to grab a bite." I said to victor who's eyes were glued to the basketball game that was playing on the tv. All he said was okay not taking his attention off the screen. My Uber was outside and I hopped in starting my journey to the hotel.

I took a deep breath in before knocking on his room door. Seconds later he came to open the door he raised an eyebrow when he saw me. I stepped in and he closed the door facing me.

"You leaving?" I asked playing with my fingers.

"Yea, I see you've been reading my messages. Since you been ignoring me I figured you wasn't happy with what happened that night." He walked passed me going to finish packing his bag.

"I...I'm confused west."I sighed flopping on the bed.

"With what?" He stopped to look at me.

"What I'm feeling." He walked up to me towering over me.

"What are you feeling ma?" He asked. His hand cupped my cheek every time he touches me I feel energy running through my bones. I closed my eyes rubbing my face on his hands enjoying our skin to skin contact. Why does he make me feel like this??

"You still love me?" My heart sinked to my stomach due to the question. I opened my eyes meeting his.

"I never stopped weston." And it was the truth. I always thought of him, I was always thinking about what he would be doing at times.

"So why the fuck you marrying that nigga?" He asked, my vision got blurry I blinked back a couple of tears.

"Because he took you off my mind. I had to burying every memory and feelings I had with you. And you popping up again just caused all of that to explode overwhelming me." I sniffed a couple of times. He wiped my face and held it.

"If I could go back I would've definitely have did things different ma." He said, he got closer to my face kissing me I wasted no time kissing him back. Our tongues danced together, he grabbed both of my ass cheeks bringing me closer to him.

"I love you ma." He pecked my lips repeatedly.

" I love you too weston." I smiled cause he was squinting his eyes at me because I keep saying his government.

"You better, I have some food coming up." He held on my waist

"I could eat," I replied. I was hungry as hell.

"Oh yea I know you could." I slapped his chest causing him to laugh. 10 minutes later the food was here. Me and west were currently eating cheesy fires, Buffalo wings and burgers. As I was eating some of the fries I felt everything I just ate was about to come up.

I rushed to the bathroom squatting over the toilet letting it all out. West came and held my hair. "You okay ma?" He asked as I wipe my lips. I nodded my head walking over to the sink.

"I think I have a stomach virus or something." I shook some water in my mouth spitting it back out.

"You should go see a doctor to check that out, how long you've been throwing up?" He asked walking back to the bedroom behind me.

"4 days I think, I'm not sure. I just been feeling sick lately." I sat down

"4 days? C'mon kaya, imma take you to the clinic to see what's up." He grabbed his keys and phone. I knew he wasn't gonna take no for an answer. I got my things and we left out. We had gotten into his rental car, I buckled up and he started to drive.

"You still don't be wearing that seatbelt I see." I watched him stir the wheel with one hand.

"I keep forgetting." He knew damn well, "crazy part is I didn't have my seatbelt on that night that cop stopped me. And I ended up going to jail for a gun." He shook his head and continued to drive.

"So damn hard headed." I mushed his head.

When we got signed in we had to wait to be called. For what it seemed like forever my name was called. West and I got up and followed the nurse.

"What can I help you with?" She asked after taking my vitals

"I've been feeling sick lately and I won't stop throwing up everything I eat." I explained to her, she nodded

"Here, I'm gonna need to test your urine." She handed me a cup with a purple top on it. "You can use that bathroom down the hall." I nodded and got up to go pee in the cup. After I was done I washed my hands and went back to the room. I handed it to her.

"You guys can wait outside, I'll call you again when the results are in." She told us. We nodded and went back to the lobby. My phone started going off, I picked it up because it was victor.

"Baby why you taking so long, fuck you eating an elephant?" He joked, I laughed a lil.

"No, I stopped at the nail salon to get my toes done." I lied, "I call you when I'm on my way home." I said to him.

"Okay, hurry back I miss you." I switched my lips.

"Okay I'm coming." I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"I don't think we're at a nail salon." West said, I chuckled because he know I couldn't tell Victor where I was at for real. 20 minutes later the same nurse called my name again. We got up and followed her to the same room.

"Congratulations Ms brown, you're a week and 3 days pregnant." She smiled at me and west. Pregnant? No I couldn't be.

"Are you sure?" I asked she nodded her head.

"I'm positive, we ran the test 2 times for clarification. I'll leave you two to discuss y'all options." She left and closed the door behind her.

"He's one lucky ass nigga." West said referring to victor.

"It's not victor's, we haven't had sex In a month because of work and shit." I looked up at him "it's yours."

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