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I looked down feeling like shit. I played with my fingers trying to figure out how I'm going to tell Victor his finance is pregnant by her ex.

"So who's gonna tell him?" West said looking at me then back at the road. "Fuck it I'll tell him, tell me the address." He had a big ass smile on his face ready to ruin this man.

"I'll tell him, can you drop me off at the girls?" I put in the address. 15 minutes later of driving we were parked in front of the house.

"Aye ma, just know I'm gonna be here for our child and you. Y'all the most important thing in my life right now." He said staring into my eyes. I could tell he meant every word. "Now get your pretty ass over here and give me a kiss." He grabbed my neck pulling my face to his. He kissed me like he ain't touch my lips in years.

"You still leaving?" I asked breaking the kiss

"Naw, you think I'm leaving without my girl?" I smiled and pecked his lips one last time before hopping out the car. "Call me." He yelled while I knock the door. I waved bye to him before he sped off. Crystal came to open the door, she's getting bigger everyday.

"Hey baby mama." I gave her a hug stepping inside.

"Hey girl, if you want anything it's in the kitchen." She sat down on the couch rubbing on her feet.  I said okay going upstairs to find Ella. She was laying on her bed watching the tv screen.

"Bitch I fucked up." I sat on her bed. She sat on and muted the tv.

"What happened, spill the tea kaya." She looked at me I shook my head sighing

"I'm pregnant." I said lowly, she heard me still cause she started jumping up and down.

"I'm gonna be god mother right?" She asked sitting back down.

"Of course but it's not victor's" her eyes almost fell out their socket.  "It's for west." Her mouth flew open looking at me in shock.

"West? How and when?" She asked confused as hell. I explained everything to Ella, how west popped up at my engagement party and how I met up with him to "talk"

"You still love him kaya?" She asked, I nodded with no hesitation. I cried into my hand because I'm a terrible person. Victor didn't deserve this

"But how am I gonna tell Victor?" I asked looking at Ella with tears running down my face. She sighed and bring me into a hug.

"Look kaya, you deserve to be with the person you feel like your heart belongs to. If you love him then be with him." I calmed down a bit dragging my hands down my face to wipe my tears.

"Thank you for listening Ella."  I gave her the biggest hug and she laughed. I really loved her.

"You know I'm here for you, now go speak to your maybe husband." I slapped her arm because of what she said. She just laughed, I got up and went to use her bathroom. After I washed my hands I said bye to Ella and crystal before leaving.

I walked into my house going straight upstairs. I took a deep breathe, I could do this. I opened our bedroom door and victor was tying his tie up.

"Hey baby, how was the food." He kissed my cheek goin back to fixing himself up.

"I have to tell you something." I looked down not  wanting to look at his reaction to what I'm about to tell him.

"What is it babe?" He was facing me, I felt hot tears rolling down my face.

"I'm pregnant and it's not yours." I looked down, "I'm so sorry Victor, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I cried. He looked angry

"It's his isn't it? The nigga with the tattoos and shit, I saw y'all looking back at each other at the engagement party." He stepped away from me, "you picked that fucking hoodlum over me kaya?" He screamed at me, I continued to cry feeling horrible about the whole situation.

"What does he have that I don't, that street nigga gonna die soon enough anyway. Don't come running to me when he's dead." He spat, just the thought of west dying made an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Get your shit and get the fuck out, the wedding is canceled." He walked passed me

"Victor please I really didn't mean to hurt you." I turned around facing him, he shook his head.

"I want you out of here before I get back from work." He grabbed his keys leaving out the door slamming it. I sat on the bed wiping my tears. The amount of stress I'm in right now is not good for the baby. I calmed down and picked up my phone to call west.

"You good ma?" He answered on the first ring.

"He kicked me out." I said lowly

"Get your stuff, I'm coming to get you. Send me the address." He said, I could hear ruffling on the other line.

"Okay," was all I said before hanging up. I texted him the address and began to pack up my clothes. I had so many I'm gonna leave the ones I really don't need behind.

"So I brought that dress for no reason?" Cami asked looking at me.

"Relax you can wear it to our wedding," west said wrapping his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to his body.

We were leaving to go back home in a couple of hours. My time in Cali been great but I do miss home.

"Can y'all help me please?" Crystal said from above the steps with a suitcase in her hand. West went to take it from her bringing it by the front door with the others.

"Crystal hurry up before we leave your ass." Cami yelled as crystal went back inside her room.

"I wish y'all would." She yelled back. 30 minutes later we were in front of the airport taking our bags inside. When everything was situated we boarded the plane.

"Hope you're ready to spend the rest of your life with me." West said, I couldn't help but smile.

"I wouldn't mind." I held on his arm resting my head on his shoulder.

Y'all have no idea how much I missed him.

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