Chapter three

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Klaus brought Rebekah and Stefan to the hospital where Elena was being kept, he had compelled Stefan beforehand just to be safe. They found Tyler outside of her room to which the female Original looked at him in disgust as she remembered what he had tried to do to her brother, it was the only thing she could do as anything else would cause some problems.

“Tyler mate let Stefan through, he would like to be reunited with his... one true love.” The older Hybrid told his creation. Doing as he said, Tyler let the Salvatore pass with no problems. “Now, I would like to introduce you to my baby sister, Rebekah. Be warned, her anger is worse than mine which is an achievement as she is not even part wolf, but the both of you would be spending a bit of time together so I would suggest that you do not irritate her as she would not hesitate to tear you limb from limb.”

Tyler’s eyes widened at the thought of another Original. He had only met Elijah once and thought that he was the only sibling of Klaus, he was scared of him and hoped to never meet him again despite being the noble one. Now he was face to face with the youngest of them, one he doesn't think anyone actually knew about, and apparently, she had more of a temper than the strongest creature to walk the earth. The teen hoped that there weren’t any more siblings and it was just the two of them here.

“So, this is your little pet. He doesn't seem like much, big brother.” Rebekah provoked.

“Now... now, little sister. You, of all people, should know to never underestimate the power someone has because of their looks. How many times have people done that to you?”

The blonde shrugged as an answer. “We'll see. But it's not like I am going to trust your hybrids over you and our brothers Nik.”

The newly turned hybrid stiffened, ‘Brothers... plural... there are more Originals out there.’ He watched as Klaus had a genuine smile grow on his face and said, “Once our little problem is dealt with, we will reunite our family and be whole again. I give you my word.” If he wasn't already dead, Tyler might have just died right there from fear.

As if sensing what the recent deceased was feeling, the youngest Mikaelson looked back at the Lockwood before announcing, “I’m hungry. I'm going to see what the town's people have to offer. Should I bring anyone back for you and your little pest?”
“We are quite alright at the minute. Try not to cause a scene out there, we don't want anyone to know that we're in town, mostly the annoying Salvatore brother.”

Nodding in acceptance, the female Original walked away from the two and towards the hospital exit.

As soon as she knew she was out of hearing range, Rebekah ran to a clearing in the woods and dropped to her knees with her head in her hands. Her breathing was laboured, and her face was wet with the tears pouring down from her eyes. She was proud of herself for not breaking earlier.

She didn't realise that it would be so hard to be in the presence of her hybrid brother. ‘God, if I'm like this now from just being around Nik, what am I going to be like around Finn, Elijah and Kol?’ Just the thought of the others brought Rebekah to more tears, she didn't know whether they were of relief or grief. It had been so long for her since she had seen them last.

She remembered the day Kol died vividly, Davina’s scream of anguish at the loss of her husband before trying to bring Freya down only to die soon after. Freya had used Rebekah as bait to lure the last of their brothers to her. Freya done what their mother had tried to accomplish several times, but left Rebekah alone as she wasn't a threat because she was human.

“It had to be done, dear sister. They were monsters that needed to be put down and I couldn't let Davina live because she would have brought Kol back. But, my dear sister, you won't be killed. Live your life and have the family you dreamed of and know that no harm would come to you or your family as vampires are now extinct. I killed Marcel after he abandoned you, no one hurts you and lives. I have your back unlike the rest of our siblings.” Freya had said to her that day before placing a curse her. “I want to keep you alive so you can experience a full life, you will be able to die any time after you're 50 as a gift.”

“You will pay for this Freya!” Rebekah screamed as the older girl left.

The blonde shivered at the memory and snapped herself back to reality. She took several deep breathes and calmed down, the vampire needed a plan of action.

“I know what the tasks are but how do I accomplish them. I can't do this by myself.” She muttered. Her eyes widened as she figured out who could help but also groaned in annoyance. “Damn it, why did she have to be the only one with a brain in this town?!”

Huffing in defeat, Rebekah sped to the house of her, hopefully, new accomplice. Seeing a car in the driveway, the girl inwardly cheered in delight that she didn’t have to go running around town looking for the other girl. Walking up the steps to the porch, she thought of how to introduce herself.

‘Was she on vervain?’ Was another question that came to her head because if this went sideways then she might have to compel her to help.

Rebekah prepared herself for all the ways the conversation would go as she knocked on the door.

Caroline Forbes wasn't expecting someone to knock on the door at 2 in the morning. She was also not expecting a blonde girl, around her age, to be standing on her doorstep. “Uh, hi. Can I help you?”

“Hi, my name’s Rebekah and I really need your help.” The original swallowed her pride and added, “Please.”

Slightly wary of the stranger, Caroline stayed within the threshold of her house and asked, “What kind of help?”

“I need help saving my family, you should already know two of my brothers Elijah and Klaus.”

The young vampire’s eyes widened, either in shock or fear, Rebekah didn’t know. “Why should I help your family when they tried killing me and my friends? In case you didn’t know, Klaus wanted to use me in his sacrifice, and he killed Elena.”

The Viking rolled her eyes and said, “We know the doppelgänger is fortunately, or unfortunately if you look at it from my side, alive. You, out of all of your little friends, are the one I actually find the least annoying and I believe that we could be great allies, possibly friends. If any of us die, then so do the rest of you because of the bloodline.”

Caroline tilted her head to the side and had a look on her face that clearly said that she didn’t believe a word that was coming out of the older girl’s mouth.

Rebekah smiled, internally sighing she walked up to the barrier, looked her in the eye and said, “You will help me save my family and you are not to tell anyone about our alliance.” The compulsion took effect. ‘Thank the gods she wasn’t taking vervain.’ She thought with relief but felt a bit disappointed that she had to compel Caroline at all. “Now, go and get changed. We have much to get done before my brother gets worried.”

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