Chapter Nineteen

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Summer was now over and the school year had begun.

Mystic Falls High School had three new students. One starting their Senior year, one was starting their Junior year, and the third was starting as a Freshman.

Rebekah, wanting to do normal things, thought about joining cheerleading again. It would give her a chance to get closer to Caroline without her brothers being weird about it. And through Caroline, she would be able to be friends with Davina without all the drama of everyone trying to kill each other.

The blonde was, unfortunately, still grounded. She didn't know how to feel about that as it was a first for her to be grounded, let alone by her brothers. Because of this, Elijah had been the one to offer dropping her off at school and Klaus was the one to be picking her up after.

She made sure to keep up her moodiness, just to keep up appearances, but she was happy that she got to spend a little bit more time alone with her brothers.

Finn and Kol had said that as soon as they were able to drive, they would do drop off and pick ups as well.

It was weird to see her family be so together. It was like how it used to be when they were human, but she didn't know how it happened. She was fully expected to have to work hard for the next few centuries to get her brothers to trust each other and to get them to trust her, but somehow they managed to do her job for her within a few weeks.

A part of Rebekah wanted to know how it happened, but another part of her was just happy that everyone was getting along and just didn't want to know how. The girl decided to just leave it be until it proved to be a problem, she had other things to worry about.

Rebekah had to think about how to stop Esther if they failed to prevent her coming back to life. She had decided to make sure she had Esther's blood as a just in case any miracle babies came into the picture. She had heard the Saltzman twins birth story, and she really didn't trust witches trying to create a child using the blood of a Mikaelson. Dahlia, despite the Original feeling bad for how her life turned out because of Esther, was someone she didn't really want to deal with.

"Rebekah, we have to go." Elijah said normally from the foyer, knowing that she could hear him.

The blonde grabbed her bag and ran to the car, still keeping up the pretence of being mad. She heard her brothers sigh and Klaus mutter "She'll get over it."

On the drive to the school, Elijah gave her some ground rules.

First rule: If anything feels off, call one of them immediately.

He wouldn't elaborate on what he meant by that, but Rebekah agreed to do so.

Second rule: Keep the grades up. If she wanted to have a sort of normal High School experience then she would have to live with the consequences of getting bad grades, as in getting tutored.

Third rule: Try and make some friends and not make enemies. They have enough enemies and they didn't need human teenagers to get on their nerves by trying to get to her.

Rebekah conceded to that.

Just as she was about to get out of the car once they parked up, Elijah had one last thing to say to her.

"Have a good day at school. I want to hear all about it when you get home."

"I'll tell you every little detail." She promised and she finally got out of the car.

When the girl reached the entrance of the school, she watched her brother drive out of the parking lot. She kind of wanted him to turn back and take her home as this was going to be the longest she had gone without seeing one her brothers since she came back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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