Chapter four

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It was five-thirty when Rebekah returned to her brother at the hospital. She was thankful he didn't question her about where she was for the past three and a half hours. But he did lead her to a private room to discuss something else.

"I hope you enjoyed whoever you sunk your teeth into." He started.

Rebekah, being as smart as she was, did find someone to feed from so she would have the smell of blood on her so it would be believable that she went that instead of what she actually went to do. "Well, he wasn't that bad tasting, but it could've been better. And don't worry, there was nothing that would trace back to vampires as I healed and compelled him."

The hybrid nodded to show he was pleased before asking, "How did you come to the conclusion that Elena's blood could be used to create hybrids?"

"Well, it was our mother that cursed you and she was a sneaky bitch. I just got in her mind frame. If I knew that the curse could be broken by using a doppelgänger, well more like her blood as that it was I used for the spell, I would make sure that there would be no way for more hybrids to be made. I would make sure that the doppelgänger would have to die in the ritual, that way there would be no blood to sire a new species because she would be dead. Our mother never wanted us to be happy Nik, so she had to take one of the things that would have made you feel less alone." Rebekah had prepared for this question; she despised her mother greatly and even more so as she figured out what else she had done.

Klaus looked at his baby sister fully, there was something different about her, but he couldn't figure out what it was. This was one of the times he wished he had his brothers by his side to help him figure it out, just like they used to do when they were human. They could always tell when something was wrong, but it would have taken all of them just to get her to talk about whatever it was. 'Soon, I will know what is wrong soon.' He thought. Even if Finn didn't like the rest of them much, Rebekah was lucky that she was a girl and adorable, the oldest would want to make sure that she was ok.

"It seems that I do not give enough credit, little sister. You have a lot more brains than I thought, maybe you should stop acting dumb to get a boys attention then maybe there will be a man that I could approve of that I know won't just be dating you for your beauty."

The female didn't really know whether her brother just complimented or insulted her. But she supposed it was both, he could never just be nice to someone without a little insult somewhere in his sentence. "You can't just be normal once in a while, can you?"

Klaus laughed and said, "Let me tell you a little secret, Beka. None of us our normal, and I don't think we would want to be like everyone else."

'I don't think I'll ever be normal, Nik. It turns out I am the most unique person in the entire world.' She thought to herself before letting her brother guide her out of the room.

The sibling duo walked to Elena's room and saw Tyler still standing guard. Klaus nodded his head in approval as he walked past him to enter the hospital room, Rebekah didn't even acknowledge him as she walked in.

Stefan was sitting next to Elena on her bed, both looked as if they had been interrupted from a serious talk.

The blonde girl was happy to note that she had no lingering feelings for the younger Salvatore, she felt no jealousy towards them, Rebekah just looked on with disgust. They were never a good couple, and Elena is just like Tatia, always playing with both brothers hearts. She was thankful that neither Finn, Kol or Henrik had any feelings towards Tatia beside hatred for what she had done to Klaus and Elijah.

Not being one to let a good opportunity pass her by, the young Original looked Elena up and down, being sure to not even mask her disgust, "So this is the latest doppelgänger, Katerina was much prettier." She smirked as the brunette looked at her in anger and a bit of fear.

"Rebekah..." Klaus drawled out her name as a start of a warning. Though, admittedly, he was quite surprised that she chose Katherine's name.

"Fine. You're no fun, Nik." The sister pouted before smiling cheekily.

Stefan grinded his teeth at the girl, he remembered what facial expressions truly showed her emotions and which ones were used to deceive people. Rebekah Mikaelson was the one to truly fear, she was a great actress, and no one could tell whether or not she was being truthful or not. She did learn from her brothers after all.

Elena didn't know what to think about the recently awakened Original. Stefan had told her that he had history with both Klaus and the sister, one that he had been forced to forget when the hybrid compelled him. Stefan had also told her about his relationship with the youngest of the Originals, she was kind of jealous as she found that the girl was beyond beautiful, but she couldn't help but feel smug because he was with her and not with the blonde. Stefan had chosen her over a gorgeous vampire.

Elena wasn't going to let the female Original try and drag her down. "Well, you are not what I expected when Stefan told me about you. The fact that you think that Katherine is better than me, proves that you're a vain and selfish vampire just like she is. Let me guess, you played with Stefan's heart in the twenties, making him think that you liked him but really you were just looking for a toy to mess with. And he said that you were somewhat independent and stood up to your brother from time to time, but I guess that was an act considering you do exactly what Klaus tells you to do."

Rebekah rolled her eyes. 'Why did I ever think I could be friends with her back then? Ugh, I must have seriously been out of my mind.' She thought. But before she could say anything, the blonde heard a growl from her left where her brother was standing.

"I suggest, little doppelgänger, that you watch what you say. As I told Tyler a few hours ago, Rebekah has a temper worse than mine, and it would not do well for you to anger her. And if you insult my baby sister again, I'll tear your tongue from your mouth and feed it to your boyfriend. Do I make myself clear?"

Elena went silent in shock. She didn't think that Klaus would stand up for his sibling as she thought that he didn't care much about what happened to them as long as he gets what he wants. At least that it was she assumed by the way Elijah had talked about him.

When her brother had threatened the human, Rebekah's head snapped to him in surprise, not expecting his reaction at all. 'Damn, I wish I recorded that so I could show Kol.'

"That's what I thought. Now, on to business." Klaus grinned as he thought about what was to happen next. "Elena, you will be accompanying me and Rebekah for a while as I do need your blood to create more hybrids like Tyler. Stefan will join us for a few reasons really. One of them being that I don't trust him so I need to keep an eye on him, two, well... let's just say if things go wrong, I do not want my sister to injured in any way despite her being an Original so she would need someone to take the brunt of whatever injury is to come. A werewolf bite to be specific. I know I have already got a few blood bags full of your blood, but more will be needed soon enough, and Rebekah used to be a nurse, so she could handle that work."

"Why do you even need to make hybrids? You have your sister and Elijah, surely that would be enough family." Elena questioned bitterly.

Klaus and Rebekah held back a laugh as the former answered. "It seems Elijah didn't tell you enough. There are five of us, or at least there will be when the job I need doing gets done, then our family will be reunited once again."

Tyler, Elena, and Stefan glance curiously at each other. The three of them were wondering 'What job?'

Seeing the curious gazes of the youngest people in the room, the female Viking stated, "Oh, do not worry your little minds about it. The 'job' is none of your business. However, if you even try and find out about what it is, we'll give a death so horrible that it would make even the devil weep. Am I clear?" Just seeing the scared looks in their eyes, despite them trying to hide it, gave the woman a calming warm feeling. "Good. Nik, should we get going before that other Salvatore you despise shows up?"

The Original hybrid smirked as he too saw the fear his sister saw. "Of course, sister. The truck is already at the front and ready to go."

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