Chapter fourteen

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When Rebekah woke up in the motel, on Saturday, she was not expecting her phone to go off with a text from her friend.

Davina in Mystic Falls and on her way to Care. She'll look after her until you arrive back. A dead witch is helping you and that is all I am allowed to say about how and why. -Tamara

That helps me out. I was trying to figure out a plan to get her out of New Orleans but kept coming up short unless I used Kol. Very well, thank you for letting me know. I'll check in on the both of them later. -Rebekah

I'll do whatever I can to help. Those two are very sweet, I don't think Mystic Falls is ready for that duo. They'll give everyone diabetes. -Tamara

Rebekah thought on that statement for a moment and laughed.

You're not wrong. -Rebekah

The blonde breathed a sigh of relief. That was one plan that sorted itself out and was executed without her help.

She wondered who this mysterious dead witch was, she was absolutely certain that it was not Esther. She would have an aneurysm if that were the case. 'You know what? I am not going to question it as I need all the help I can get. Those time travel movies were a bad idea to watch.'

Yes, Rebekah did watch time travel movies to see if she could get an idea of the consequences of changing the past. No, she will never admit it to anyone. If anyone did find out then she would threaten with torture.

"I need to buy myself a private island when this is all over." She muttered.

Over the past few days, Niklaus had still been helping the hybrids adjust to vampirism. No one could never let it be said that he leaves a job unfinished. Elijah was keeping an eye on the doppelgänger and helping Finn, the blonde couldn't understand his obsession with girls who had the same face. Finn was still trying to adjust to the 21st century. Kol was getting Rebekah's help on the modern world, despite her only being out of the coffin for a week and not supposed to know much more than he did.

Kol and Rebekah also had a talk about what happened in 1914. He held back from yelling but did talk sternly to prove that he was not messing about. He needed her to understand that what she did was not ok and that he felt betrayed. The youngest brother hated having to say all of that to his baby sister, but it had to be done.

The girl knew that the talk was coming and she had to face it, even if she wanted to run from it until Kol decided that it wasn't worth it. But that had been the problem last time. She refused to confront the problem, avoided talking about it like she did with many problems that she had with her brothers. No one knew how to communicate with each other anymore because of all issues they had with one another, and she felt that it was her fault.

Rebekah hated the disappointment from her brothers, she could hear it in their voices when they talked to her about whatever she had done wrong. She put up with it as a human because none of them knew how much time any of them had left, but she refused to deal with it when she became a vampire because she felt that they could deal with it later as they had all the time in the world.

The first Original had been a catalyst for her siblings to not talk about their problems. And now there were so many misunderstandings between them all that they could not trust each other without fear of someone getting stabbed in the back, both figuratively and literally.

It was on her to rectify what she had done. Which meant holding back tears as her partner in crime unleashed an onslaught of speeches about all the problems she caused. She knew of everything that she had done that caused problems for either one of her brothers or everyone at the same time. Rebekah had thought about it all when she was all alone. It was down to her to start the healing process.

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