Chapter eight

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It wasn't long before the werewolf Klaus wanted showed up. It was déjà vu for both Stefan and Klaus but this time the end result will be a success, Rebekah would make sure of it.

The female Original couldn't understand her brothers need for hybrids in her last lifetime, but now she could. Mikael terrified all of them, but it was Klaus that had suffered the worst of it besides her, though she didn't know whether to tell her brothers about that ever.

Klaus was always the one Mikael was after to kill when he killed Esther. It was a great fear of her brother, his siblings were the most important people in the world to him and he did not want any of them to be at the mercy of Mikael, especially when the older man had the one weapon that could kill them. They had one too many close calls of at least one of the siblings almost being murdered.

And then there was the incident with the hunters that had changed Niklaus and made him paranoid. He had hallucinations of each of the Originals dying and that was when he had gotten over-protective. It had devastated everyone to see him that way, and they felt helpless as they watched him spiral into the depths of madness and uncertainty.

Once the curse was over, nothing was the same. His experience had scarred him and he refused to let anything like that happen to his family. The only way he knew that they were safe was if they were never out of his sight. Most of the time they couldn't see their brother, in his place was a version of Mikael that, instead of wanting to destroy them, was protecting them in the worst way. Somewhere along the line, Klaus felt that he wasn't enough to protect them and got it in his head that he should have an army of people like him, hybrids, and then he would have enough power to fight Mikael and end the torment of being hunted.

It wasn't about wanting a family that was under his command and like him. It never was, even if he thought differently at the time.

For now, Rebekah would let him believe that his little army would be the way to get close enough to their father to kill him, just until she had dealt with their tormentor personally before anyone would even notice that she was planning something.

Once again, it took a lot of persuasion to get the werewolf to take them to it's pack.

Rebekah could say for certain that most werewolves were definitely loyal to their own, and it made her wonder whether she could ever have someone that loyal to her that wasn't family. Someone that she could have as a friend or lover. Her brothers had somehow always found at least one person that was loyal to them with no ulterior motive. Maybe she could find it with Caroline, once the compulsion is removed then maybe she could have a shot of actually being friends with the girl before she sets her up with Klaus. And possibly Davina, she always did consider the witch as a little sister and they were very close in her previous life.

As for a lover to be loyal, well... she will visit that thought in at least a decade. She wasn't going to fall victim to short term lovers and backstabbers. She would definitely prefer it if her suitor knows what it's like to have parents that despise your existence, consider you a monster, and tried to get rid of you in one way or another. And maybe if that person knows what it's like to have multiple siblings. Yeah, she was definitely going to revisit that once everything was over and her family was safe.

The girl snapped out of her thoughts as she saw her brother come back to the table, leaving Stefan and Tyler alone with the werewolf for a moment.

"Sister, I am going to ride with William in his car and I am going to take Tyler and Stefan with me. I want you to follow in my car with Elena and once we are there I need you to stay close to me, do you understand?" He looked at her dead in the eye, proving that he was being serious.

Rebekah smiled and answered, "I understand, Nik. I'll make sure to not hurt the doppelgänger during the car ride as well."

Klaus nodded and handed the car keys over.

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