Chapter nine

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Klaus was happy. He now had a start on his hybrid army, and he could now be distracted by training them with their new vampiric abilities.

This was the perfect distraction for Rebekah to go to Mikael and kill him before he had the chance to break free from his desiccation. There was no way for Katherine to find him as she had Tamara cloak the hunter so only an Original can find him.

Rebekah waited until her brother went off to help his new minions, making an excuse that it made her nervous to be around so many hybrids that could potentially bite her. She had been bitten by a werewolf before, it was how her brothers had found out that they couldn’t be killed by a werewolf bite, unlike the lesser versions of them. Honestly, the girl would really rather not experience those hallucinations again. Thor knows what she would give away in her crazed state.

Her half-brother, sensing that she was being truthful and not just trying to cause a scene, agreed for her to stay at the motel they were all staying at. As much as he wanted to keep a hybrid on guard, he knew that it would only piss his sister off. So he left her alone. There was no way he was going to allow Elena or Stefan near her without him being there to prevent unnecessary bloodshed.

As soon as he was gone, she waited ten minutes before leaving. She had compelled the staff that if her brother asked where she was when he returned, to tell him that she had left a few minutes before he came back.

Driving to Charlottesville was a quiet affair. Rebekah was scared. It didn’t matter that Mikael had died a few times in her timeline to prove that he was much stronger than Klaus, but he was always her monster in the dark. He was the reason that she was so co-dependent on her brothers growing up, which only amplified when she became a vampire. Despite what her siblings said about their mother being the worst monster of the family, she firmly believed it was the man who killed them with his sword.

The reason she was so quick to fall in love was because she wanted to prove to herself that everything Mikael had tried to force her to believe was a lie. He said that she would never find someone to love her, she had tried to prove him wrong. But then she had never found someone to fight for her or choose her above everything else. He had told her that she was never going to be a beautiful maiden, so she did what she could to make herself one. It took her a long time to find that she was so much more than what he said.

And then Mikael compared her not only to her mother but to the sister that she had not known back then. He said that they were much better than her, that she should have died by plague instead of Freya. Rebekah was never a daughter in her father’s eyes, he made sure to prove it time and time again.

She wished that Elijah had just let her kill the man back then.
But now there was no one to stop her from taking her revenge. He took her innocence, abused her brothers, and tried to kill them all for the past one thousand years. She was going to end the nightmare to protect her family and give herself peace.

A few hours passed and she had arrived at the cemetery where Mikael was located.

She sat in her car for a while, gathering enough courage to actually go through with it.

“I am Rebekah Mikaelson, an Original Vampire that has time travelled. I have survived the worst things that could happen to anyone. I can sure as hell kill one stupid vampire that can’t even fight back in his current state. Thor give me your strength so I can see this through.” As she whispered her prayer to the god, the clouds got darker without her realising.

Feeling that she was calmer, the blonde stepped out of her car and walked determinedly to the crypt the monster was residing. The lock on the chain stood no chance as she pulled the gates open with minimal effort.

The lid of the sarcophagus went crashing into the wall as the woman pushed it off.

“Hello Mikael.” She sneered as his eyes opened.

She could see the anger and shock shine through. He definitely was not expecting her, nor was he pleased about it. The female was pleased that she had managed to shock him.

“This really does make a difference from all the other times that you have seen any one of us. Normally, you are all rage and fearsome, but this I like. You are too powerless to do anything, and I know that you have already figured out why I am here. You must have thought the witch that came here was one of Nik’s, or maybe Elijah or Kol’s. It must really bruise your ego that the witch was actually one of mine.” She could almost hear the growl coming from the older Viking. “Wow, for someone that is not actually related to Nik, you two certainly have similar growls when you’re angry.”

His eyes always were emotionless to her, but seeing them now… a lot of them came through. There was the promise of death that came through quite clearly, but she could tell that he saw that same thing in her own. Her brothers always said that she got her temper from their father whilst they got theirs from their mother. She wondered if Mikael knew that.

“For a thousand years, you have hunted us like animals. We could never stay in one place long enough to call home until New Orleans, then you came and burnt it to the ground. You must have had gotten that idea from me in London 1666 when that little bakery caught fire. Our little fight started there, and I hoped to have hurt you, as we both know that fire won’t kill us. It hurts me to say this, but I know it will hurt you a lot more. We do have similar tempers. Your sons comment on how much alike we are in temperament. Like father like daughter, you could say, but we both know that I am not your daughter. You made that very clear the moment I was born. I may be your blood, but I am not your family.” Then Rebekah had a great thing to say to him, “Freya is your blood, the one child that loved you greatly but was sent away to live with her aunt Dahlia because of a deal Esther made. That’s right, your daughter is still alive, awakens one year every hundred years thanks to a curse placed on her by our aunt. Too bad you’ll never get to see her alive. You will see her dead though. What can I say, I don’t like having to compete for my brothers love and attention because of another sister.”

There was pain being expressed from him now. It sent a slight pang through her heart, which quickly faded. There was no love for her from him, so there would be no love for him from her.

Pulling out the stake from her bag, Rebekah pointed it at his heart through the chains binding him. “I am really going to enjoy this. Have fun in Hel, you son of bitch.” She pushed the stake through him and watched as he greyed and set alight. She let the stake burn with him, refusing to try and salvage it.

Tears fell down the beautiful vampires face. Joy and a sense of accomplishment ran through her as she focused on the fire.

One task done. Several more to go.

Thunder rumbled outside the crypt, as if the sky was applauding her for the death of the hunter.

The noise brought Rebekah out from her focus and into reality. She sent a quick text to Caroline, telling her to burn the Wickery bridge and its sign. Then, there was a message to send to Tamara as it was time for a family reunion.

The last person she had to contact was Klaus. He answered the phone after a few rings.

“Rebekah, this is not the best time.”

“He’s dead, Nik”


“Mikael is dead. I will show you my memory when I get back, and we will have guests arriving.”

“What did you do, little sister?” His voice was sharp.

She sighed and said, “I have a witch currently undaggering our brothers and sending them to us, she has also removed a curse that was placed on Finn 900 years ago. It was to make him hate vampiris. No doubt our mother had given a witch ideas from the other side. And I have found the white oak stake and killed Mikael.”

The was a minute of silence before Klaus responded. “We will be having a discussion later, with our brothers. No doubt they would have something to say about going after him by yourself. Return back sister, I will await your arrival as well as Finn’s, Elijah’s, and Kol’s.” He then hung up the phone.

Rebekah felt pleased, “That wasn’t so bad.”

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