Chapter thirteen

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Davina Claire was a coveted witch in the New Orleans French Quarter Coven. She was part of the only family in Louisiana that were fire inclined witches and have been for centuries, which of itself is unique as they have been the only family in the world to have every generation be fire inclined witches. So the Claire family were practically royalty in the supernatural world.

The teenage witch was very talented at not just magic, but art and music too. She lived and breathed creative skills.

She trusted her coven with her life as they had never given her a reason not to. But being coveted came at a price.

The coven had strict rules that every young witch had to follow. But as Davina was an only child and was to be the next matriarch of the Claire line, the rules were much stricter. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone, education was to be her top priority, no going to parties that were not hosted by one of the nine covens, to remain pure until marriage, and to not trust vampires.

She didn't quite understand the 'not trusting vampires' part. She didn't believe that there weren't any good vampires out there. Her grandmother told her of an Original vampire named Kol Mikaelson and how he was a good friend to her mother back in her 20s. Of course she cursed his name to the heavens every time she finished her mother's story of how they met, what he taught her, what she taught him, and how they helped each other out until she was stuck at Fauline cottage when trying to help him create a dagger for his hybrid brother.

The story always intrigued the girl, or at least Kol Mikaelson did. She found him fascinating. She was told that he was very knowledgeable about witchcraft and, considering he was 1000 years old, she hoped to one day get a chance to meet him and possibly have him teach her a few things. Of course she would never tell her mother that as she would tan her hide, nor would she tell her friends because they either hated vampires or had no idea that vampires existed.

She stared at the picture she draw of Kol and wondered just how accurate it was. She only had what her grandmother had told her to go on. But if she was close to on point then she wouldn't be all that surprised, she felt a connection to him despite never meeting him. The second she was told the story, something clicked inside her. The girl could not describe that feeling she got when she heard the name Kol but it just felt right.

Davina snapped out of her thoughts and quickly covered the drawing with her school books when she heard her mother come up the stairs.

Vivien Claire was a strict woman but she did love her daughter, most of the time. She would never admit that she was jealous of her daughter. Afterall, Davina was very skilled, very talented, and very beautiful. Something that Vivien was not. But she was proud that her daughter had not put the family to shame by lacking any of it, and Mrs Claire was going to make sure that she never would disgrace the Claire name.

The door to Davina's bedroom opened and her mother walked in without even bothering to ask if she was disturbing the girl from anything important.

She sat on the bed and Davina instantly gave her mother her full attention, she knew it would not be a good thing to be disrespectful.

"I have some wonderful news from the witches. Every girl from the coven is going to be asked if the want to participate in the Harvest, four girls would be chosen by the ancestors. It would be an honour to be chosen and the girls would be more powerful once the reaping is over. I want you to join."

Davina had heard whisperings of the Harvest and she knew what it would mean if she was to be chosen. "Of course I will join. I would love to be chosen to be one of the Harvest girls. imagine if Monique was to be chosen as well, that would be even better." She stated cheerfully.

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