Chapter ten

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The car ride from the trailer was kind of awkward.

Finn, who had been daggered long before technology was even a thing was very wary of the vehicle he was currently sitting in, was silent. He felt different but the same. It was like he was coming out of a faze of self hatred, though he had no idea where that hatred came from. The last thing he remembered was that he was going to go to his father so he could end Finn’s existence but Klaus had daggered him before he took off. The last thing he saw was Rebekah’s sad face, he wanted to comfort her but darkness came to him. He had no idea how long he had been daggered for when he woke up until Elijah told him.

He wanted to hate Niklaus for leaving him daggered for that long of a time, but he couldn’t. For some reason he felt that it was needed. Whatever had possessed him to want to end his life was long gone and he wanted answers to that. Apparently, it woke his baby sister who had the answer, if the witch telling them that was anything to go by.

Kol, well he was pissed to say the least. He hated being daggered and it was his sisters fault for his recent slumber. He was going to have a very serious talk with her in private. He had missed a bloody century. He really had to make that dagger for Klaus, it was just a matter of finding a powerful witch and the paragon diamond.

Elijah was not surprised that he was daggered. He should have seen it coming. Afterall, Klaus did say that he would be reunited with his siblings. Maybe Elijah should have been more specific with his wording next time.

What was surprising was that Finn was awake and that all their awakenings were at his sisters hand. He worried for what was to happen to Rebekah once Klaus found out what she had done. He thought about calling the hybrid to warn him against doing anything towards their youngest sibling but it seemed as if he didn’t need phone him.

On his phone Klaus’ name popped up.

Kol and Finn stared at the box in the hand of their suit clad brother in confusion.

“Why is it buzzing?” Questioned Kol.

Elijah answered the phone. “You had better not have done anything to Rebekah, Niklaus.”

Finn watched in fascination. ‘Is this how people communicate long distances now?’ He wondered.

“It is actually why am calling you. I did not do anything nor will I, at least not physically. We all need to talk to her about self preservation.” Klaus said in false cheer.

“What is it that she has done beside waking all of us?” Kol asked curiously, still slightly wary of the weird communication box.

“Apparently, she had found the white oak stake and has killed our father.”

The three in the car felt their undead hearts stop. For the duration of their existence they had attempted to keep their sister far from either of their parents as much as they could, even when they were turned and Mikael was hunting them all, whenever he had gotten close to accomplishing his personal mission they always made sure that Rebekah would be the first to escape with at least one of the brothers.

Finn felt sick, which really should be impossible because he was essentially dead. “Is she alright? What happened exactly?” He would never forgive himself if she was hurt or worse.

“She seemed fine on the phone. But she has only been undaggered for barely a week and she managed to not only track down Mikael and the white oak stake but also kill him with the damn thing. Something is going on with our sister, and as much as I hate to admit it… I need your help to figure out what is going on. She has been getting pale and needing to feed more, I don’t think she has noticed any of that though. And she managed to find the solution to how to create hybrids. She also told me that she was the one who called father to New Orleans all those years ago and that she knew that I was behind the death of our mother.” Klaus admitted.

Kol was at all that surprised at Klaus being the reason behind Esther’s death, their father had never laid a hand on her even in his anger. But hearing that Rebekah had admitted the truth about what happened, something bad must have happened because she would never admit doing something so dangerous, willingly. And the turning pale and having to feed a bit more is worrying, he’d have to check that himself to see what is going on.

“According to my GPS we are only an hour away from where you are. We will have to talk to her immediately.” Elijah replied.

Klaus responded, “You should be here at the same time as her then. I will see you three in a bit.” He then hung up the phone.

Finn wished he just stayed in the coffin, barely out three hours and there is already drama.

An hour later, the brothers had arrived at the motel and their brother was there to greet them.

Klaus sincerely apologised to Kol, but didn’t really apologize to Finn as he wanted to know more about the curse that Rebekah was going on about. He offered Elijah an apology which was waved off with the man stating, “I should really listen to your wording more.”
A car pulled up and the men could see that it was their baby sister in the drivers seat.

Finn had gone to open the car door for her and held out a hand for her to take. As soon as she was out of the car she hugged him tightly, he returned the hug just as tightly.

Despite trying to not break down at the sight of her long dead brothers, having the entire car ride to come up with some way to not do exactly that, she couldn’t help it. She missed them all. “Are you alright?” Rebekah asked the one she was currently clung to.

“Yes, I am perfectly fine. What happened to me exactly?”

“A curse. Our mother talked to a witch and gave her the idea to curse you to hate vampirism to the point that you would try and kill yourself and us possibly.” More tears fell from her eyes. “I had my witch break the curse as she found the descendant of the witch that cursed you.”

The eldest Mikaelson was grateful for what she had done and said as much.

When they let go of each other, the blonde set her sights on her youngest brother. She ran up to him and wrapped her legs around his waist with her arms around his neck and her face hidden between her arm and his neck.

“Oof, Rebekah. You must have really missed me.” Kol manged to catch her and wrap his arms on her waist so she didn’t fall. He rubbed on hand on her back soothingly as she cried. He have his hybrid bother a look that said ‘What is wrong with her?’

Klaus gave him a look that said ‘This is what I am talking about.’

“I’m really sorry for what happened, Kol. It won’t happen again.” She muttered.

Kol really wanted to say that she had to make it up to him but he couldn’t find it in himself. It was times like this that his family remembered that she was eternally 17, her emotions are always going to be that of a teenager.

At least that is what the male Mikaelson’s believed as they did not know about the time travelling.

Kol sighed, “Bex, you are never this emotional. Tell us what’s going on, darling.” His voice was soft and soothing. “You have us all really worried. Nik told us that you went after Mikael and we need an explanation as to why you would do something so dangerous, especially doing it alone. We are not mad, just really worried.”

“I had to.” Rebekah muttered. The brothers frowned but waited for her to carry on. “He was desiccated in a crypt in Charlottesville. I had a witch get inside his head to find the stake because I thought that he might have hidden it just in case one us found him and expected him to have it on him. I was right, he didn’t have a witch cloak it’s location. My witch tracked us down to the diner and gave me the stake.”

“Was this the same witch that woke us and removed my curse?” Finn asked gently.

“Yes. I waited until the right time so I could go to Mikael, I wanted to be the one to do it. I saw the surprise in his eyes when he saw it was me. I said a few things that angered him and then I told him to enjoy Hel before I staked him.” Kol smirked at the last part as he would have done the same. “I never told you what happened when I was left alone with him back then.” She said it so quietly the others had to strain their hearing to hear what she said.

They paled at what she could have meant, Klaus felt his wolf rise to the surface wanting to protect it’s pack.

“What did father do?” Elijah questioned warily, he didn’t know whether he wanted to know the answer.

And so Rebekah told them everything Mikael had said to her growing up, every harsh word, every physical thing he did to her to prove that he did not consider her his daughter. At the end she had no tears, but she felt raw and exposed. And she felt humiliated, it was why she never told them anything before. They saw her as someone she did not believe she was but wanted to be.

Feeling embarrassed, Rebekah went to get off Kol but he held her tighter. She then felt three other pairs of arms encircle the both of them. It was a first the all of them to be in that position, the boys were not really the touchy feely type even when they were human. Rebekah always instigated hugs, except with Henrik as he hugged her whenever he wanted a hug or held her hand.

It was nice for her, she felt loved and protected. It was something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. And the fact that none of them asked to see the memory of her killing Mikael made her feel that she was trusted, and she felt relieved because she didn’t think she could hide the memory of her collecting his ashes. The blonde did not want to try an answer that question just yet.

Finn didn’t know what to say to try and make things better, he didn’t realize that it wasn’t just his brothers on the receiving end of Mikael’s wrath. Klaus, he had thought, had gotten the worst of it, but instead, it was the one person they believed Mikael would never be so cruel to. Even if they had tried to keep her away from their parents, they had failed at protecting her. He wondered if Henrik knew back then, the thought made him sick. If their youngest brother had known but didn’t tell them, that meant either Rebekah had forced him to not tell anyone or Mikael and Esther did something that made him not tell anyone what he knew.

Elijah was beyond disappointed in himself. How could he have not seen it? Was he that focused on Niklaus all those years that he didn’t think that their father could be any worse? He felt responsible for the pain his baby sister went through. There is nothing he could do to change the past, but he can definitely do better in the future. ‘I should have let her kill him back then. Or I should have done it myself if I wasn’t such a coward.’

Klaus felt his wolf wanting vengeance. But what could he do when the man responsible was now dead by the hands of his sister? He should have realised that he wasn’t the only one who suffered at the hands of that man. He knew how bad Mikael could be in his anger and the fact that most of the anger wasn’t aimed at him but at Rebekah terrified him greatly. But there was a part of him that wondered if Mikael and Rebekah had similar temperaments, then what was she capable of if someone pushed her to breaking point?

He didn’t know that someone had pushed her to that point. It was one of the reasons the witches sent her back. Yes, she had the same temper as her father. But unlike her father, she was more skilful and knew exactly what and who to unleash her anger on. She would make sure that the right people were punished for the destruction of not just her family but nature as well.

Kol was disgusted at what his partner in crime went through when their backs were turned, but he couldn’t help but be proud that she hadn’t gone down the darker path. She was kind of the bigger person. She wanted to prove their sorry excuse for a father wrong. Knowing what he did now, he was going to help her see the person that he and his brothers saw. They knew that they had a Valkyrie for a sister. They just needed to get her to realise that. ‘May Hel show no mercy towards Mikael for what he had done to his family.’ He thought angrily.

Unbeknownst to the siblings, they were being watched by people not on their plane of existence.

“She told them, thank Thor.” A young boy said in relief.

“So she did. This was definitely going make their bonds stronger, and not just her bonds to her brothers.” An older woman stated.

“Ayana, what of Klaus’ mate? Is she ready to fully come into the fold?” The boy asked.

“Not quite yet. What of Kol’s Valkyrie? Have you warned her of what is to come and to be prepared for the force that is the Mikaelson Valkyrie?”

“Davina Claire is ready to run at a moments notice. I do hope that my sister gets to her before the Harvest girls are chosen, if she does then the Harvest can not be done as there are no other fire inclined witches in New Orleans.”

“Have peace, Henrik. We must have faith. We made a great choice on who to choose to save the world. It is only a miracle that our future selves managed to send their memories back to us.”

“You are right, I apologise. We are meant to help guide Bekah, and help her along. I cannot wait until she meets her soulmate, she is the only one that has not. They would be an unstoppable team.”

Ayana smiled at the family they were watching. “It won’t be too long. We have made a great choice for her, he is her other half.”

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