♧ Friendly Companion | Ann

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↳song suggestion: The French Library- Franz Gordon

Genre: Platonic ♧

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name, reader's weapon/item is a blade and can sing (hussh I believe your voice is beautiful reader)

Reader: she/her [hunter]─◌✰್

Thanks for suggesting [ jurisakurei ] .⋆༘.:ꕥ

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(Y/N) impatiently tapped her fingers on the chair as she waited for the rest during duo, well you could say she is rather nervous instead of impatient; the thought of having eight (8) survivors in one map, cipher rush and the fact that survivors can buy items like flare guns in this mode scares her "Come on (Y/N)!" Sitting more properly with a straight back she slapped her cheeks "You're the hunter, they should be scared of you!" She informed herself in a way to motivate her "Oh dear, are you okay?" A concern voice boomed, looking to the hunter infront of her she chuckled "Oh, yeah I'm fine! Sorry about that, Ann.." (Y/N) apologized as the disciple sat down on her seat with her cat companion purring. "How long were you waiting? I hope you didn't wait long," Ann asked stroking her feline friend's fur "Not long," she (obviously) lied resting her head with her palm playing with her blade.

After some time had passed, more and more survivors came in in their most glamorous costumes. (Y/N)'s anxiety never died down completely, seeing the survivors take their perspective seats made her timorous, how will this match play out? Will she do a good job? Will she be a bother to her partner? Thoughts like those swell up in her head as she shivered, sighing she noticed that all survivors had locked their places and is waiting for the two (2) hunters ready up. Looking at Ann she saw that the nun chose to wear her 'Schoolmistress' costume, it looked so exquisite she couldn't help but admire it "Would you like to also choose your costume?" Ann politely asked the other hunter to which (Y/N) happily chose one of her favourite dresses she owned, Ann also complimenting her as she pressed 'ready'.

(Y/N) was hesitant at first but Ann reassured her to take her time which lifted some weight on her shoulders, pressing 'ready' everyone was transported into the map but when they were that's when she noticed she forgot to check one thing "I'm screwed!" She thought with her sight now revealing she is in Lakeside Village near the big boat. Going towards inside the boat she found the mechanic operating her doll, hitting her she managed to down Tracy quite quick. Muttering a 'sorry' she tried the mechanic into the balloons and chaired her immediately before anyone could interrupt her.

Chasing someone away from the cipher, she teleported back towards Tracy's chair once the countdown is nearly down, moments before she could react a gust of something that resembles a cloud filled her surroundings then another."The match had already just started and I got shot by two flare guns on the face.." (Y/N) thought chasing the already-chaired survivor once again trying to surpass the body blocker, swinging her blade another stunned her with a flare gun "What the—" she groaned, mostly on herself since the one she didn't checked before the match started was her trait and persona build, normally she'd take excitement first with trump card, the thought of the flare guns and the wrong trait irked her.

After recollecting herself after the third stun, mechanic's health lowerd but she wasn't still fully healed, the good thing she has wanted order and they didn't ran off somewhere far, finally separating the Tracy from the rest she downed her with ease. "Maybe lady luck was on my side..." she thought making sure no one was here to stun her with whatever they have before picking up Tracy and placing her on the chair for the second time. At this point Ann had already sent one back to the manor and is currently chasing another one who is one hit away, distracted a survivor took that advantage but sadly failed, (Y/N) reverted back into her senses and managed to terror shock whomever tried to do the rescue resulting with two survivors out, one chaired and one getting chased.

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