♡ I love you, Ma chérie | Joseph Desaulnier

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↳song suggestion: Rae Morris - For You

Genre: Fluff ♡

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name

Reader: she/they ─◌✰್

Requested by: [ 3rr0rGItcH ]
➳:.thank you so much for requesting~!
I also apologise it took so long...too long


Imagine a life filled with nothing but lavish parties and wine that costs a fortune to even single drip of it-clothing that people yearn to own, unmeasurable wealth and most certainly a castle or just a mansion decorated with flourishing plants. It looks like a dream for the people but for the only daughter of the owner of the mansion, (Y/N) (L/N), it is an uncompleted dream, a dream that still have a missing puzzle piece. Though as nice as it sounds for (Y/N) to live without worry of money and safety, her father is one who is hard to talk to-being the only daughter he tend to be overprotective towards her (much like with any dad). Allowed to attend the parties hosted in the mansion but never affairs even though they are in an appropriate age that people won't call 'scandalous' if she ever got into a relationship—with that being said it was no wonder when they drowned themselves with romantic fantasies and novels, head over heels over books of lovers fr left to right she finished a whole bookshelf of romance books over the past years.

"Oh, aren't you an adorable daughter!" One of the guest said pinching (Y/N)'s cheek "You know," she lean closer to her ear to whisper "—my middle son is quite shy and also loves books. He might be the perfect match for you," she giggled with delight. "There won't be any match making here Mrs. Andilet. At least, not in my watch; especially not around my daughter," he informed in a stern voice but tried to make it seem jokingly as he walks closer diving into the conversation "I assume you are well aware that I tend to be protective over my daughter. She is the only one that my wife left me before she unfortunately passed away," he sighed at the end soon regaining his posture "You do understand, yes? Considering you, too-lost your partner." Mrs. Andilet let out a heavy breath when she heard the last sentence "Perhaps yes...I do understand. Though our partners wouldn't want us to be dwelling around about their deaths. I am sure they'd want us to live happily despite their absence," she responded but it seemed like a heavy truth she had to say; she, herself, haven't accepted that fact yet and she believes she never will.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed after wiping her tears followed by (Y/N)'s father chuckling "Where is your daughter? She was just here a minute ago!" Mrs. Andilet frantically started to search the place for a sign of (Y/N) "Don't worry, I'm sure she is off to the village. She will be safe-she is her mother's daughter," he reassured her looking out the window seeing his daughter had already changed outfits for a more comfortable clothing to run with as she started to sprint away from the gates "She is just like her mother," he added in a whisper with a soft smile.

(Y/N) inhaled the fresh air around the always busy village her house far at the distance behind her; the chatter and laughter of people echoed through her ears, the rocky trail below let out a satisfying loud noise whenever her foot hits the ground though one stood out. The faces of everyone in the village she memorise but one particular man was new to her eyes—what caught their attention was his white hair beautifully tied into a ponytail with few strands of it hanging to the front of his head and his eyes, the color of his eyes were different. Not that one is another color to the other, it wasn't the color she sees, usually it would be grey or brown but his was blue, the same blue of the morning sky.

Other words—she was enchanted to him.

She told silently there mesmerised such man exists, as her mind trailed off a voice brought her back to her senses "Are you okay milady?" A charming voice questioned, she doesn't tend to be the one that is coy but seeing the very same man up close made her one. Completely gobsmacked from him she found it hard to speak "Yes, I am fine. Thank you for your concern," she replied ("That took way to much energy, gosh he is so stunning! Damn his family genes then!" They told themselves). "That's great to hear," he simply smirk at her before going on with his day walking pass her, staring at him as his figure faded into the crowd she cupped her cheeks and silently screamed "This is like what that one romance book beginning is!" She squealed with joy "Wait a minute (Y/N), your always like this when it comes to pretty people..." she realised then recalled his face up close and his voice played over and over her head "—But he is so cute!" She squealed even more having her face blush even more noticeable than before.

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