♡ Showing our Affection | Xie Bi'an/Fan Wujiu

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↳song suggestion: Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure - Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers

Genre: Fluff ♡

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name, F/C - favo(u)rite colo(u)r

Reader: they/them ─◌✰್

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"Thank you. You may excuse yourself," ordered a young royal as they gazed upon the dim night sky against their window in their night wear while the maiden bowed and dismissed herself from the royal's personal bedroom. Sighing, the only child of the royal family (Y/N) (L/N) rested their chin against their palm replaying moments in their head and just letting their mind run free until a dove flew by their window, carrying a mini bag wrapped with a ribbon as it held it by it's talons. It landed by their window sill, sliding open the glass of the window the bird then proceed to leave the object for them to take and flew back into the horizon of the night.

With a puzzled face they unwrapped the ribbon from the fabric revealing a small music box accompanied by a piece of paper, they turned the handle of the music box which played an exquisite melody which often is played during events in the ballroom. The music is truly alluring with it's charming rhythm, the (F/C) coated music box continued to play the melody as they silently read the letter that came alongside it, resting their head with their free hand while the other held out the paper. As their eyes scanned th handwritten words a smirk crept against their face and so did a blush, who wouldn't smile over a heartwarming message or more of... a message filled with the sender's affection towards them.

Though a grammar and spelling is one thing they take seriously thus they correct people with it (which also often slip during conversations). They noticed a small mistake as they read it out loud "Sincerely, your secret admirers," they chuckled to themselves "Must be a mistake," and with that they neatly folded the paper and hid both the message and the music box inside their drawer. Leaning slightly against their bedroom window, without any clue what they were looking out for, whispering "Goodnight secret admirers," with that they called it a night slowly curling into a ball under their covers.

Days had gone by into week in a flash and here they are again in the same situation, it had been like this for the past few days actually but he is just pretty desperate to awe his parents.

"Look (Y/N). I love you so will you—"
"Love or are you telling me this for other reasons?" They protested not facing his direction as he tailed behind them as they walked by the exterior corridor which gave a pleasant sight of the garden accompanied with butterflies that swarm around the place. "Fine. It would be easier if you just accept it, I can give you anything you like even if I don't like you," he insisted with an irritated voice "I know expect what I want isn't an object. It's a feeling," they retorted back at him closing her book harshly "Which you would never feel. At least you would never feel towards me, let's be honest," they added with a small smile ("Besides, unlike before you can choose who to marry now..." they told themselves).

"I'm sorry Your Highness but my Highness is being summoned by the king himself. Excuse us," Xie interrupted the two as Fan swoop (Y/N) away followed by Xie departing leaving the prince from a far away land in relief but fear of what his parents would say. "What does my dad want now?" They asked Fan with their eyes still locked with their book "Oh about that, it was a lie," he bluntly answered them his hair trailing down and his hand over their shoulder. "Can't that dreadful prince leave you alone? You aren't clearly interested.." he whispered with annoyance screaming in his face "We can't blame him, he is forced to. But it is quite a pain," Xie chimed in. Xie and Fan, both are working as royal guards though they both do have the looks thus ladies would go towards the castle just to see them, this caught the young royal's attention and not long after the two guards and the princess had a bond a very close one in fact.

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