♡ Painting You | Edgar Valden

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↳song suggestion: Cody Fry - I Hear a Symphony

Genre: Fluff ♡

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name, Painter's "Narcissus" S-Tier Costume

Reader: she/her, a professor ─◌✰್

A/N: Edgar won't be addressed here as "Narcissus" just like in his design notes. I apologise if I wrote the lore of this essences wrong, the lore makes me confused a little especially since majority of the time I write in the middle of the night when I am sleepy (don't ask why around that time).

!!! curse word !!!

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

"Ms. (L/N)!" One of the students of an all girls boarding school excitedly raised and waved her hand, eager to receive an answer "What is it now?" The said person replied as she sat behind the teacher's desk clearly in a good mood as the sun peaked through the class room's windows, all the students started giggling at each other as they stay seated at their respective seats alphabetically arranged by their last names. Despite the small laughter of the youngster's (Y/N) (L/N) waited for the student's question.

"Is it true that you and Mr. Valden are—"
"Get your textbooks out and turn to page 190," (Y/N) interrupted making the young female giggle along side the rest "Ms. (L/N) you cut her off!" One joked with a chuckle "But is it really true?" The other enthusiastically stood up from her seat "Ms. (L/N)'s not answering maybe it is true," one theorized out loud. Considering all of the people present in the classroom are females many squealed when they heard those words escape through that one student's mouth "No it's not. It's just a rumour, how many times must I explain that?" (Y/N) finally spoke while writing something on the black board.

"Awww but you two look like a good couple..." the first student from the front row whined. (Y/N) just rolled her eyes with a smile "Okay! Focus at the lesson, the quarter isn't going to finish itself so listen well. Especially since you ladies know how much I love surprise quizzes," (Y/N) informed facing the class putting her book down on the table "And no more questions about my or anyone's personal life," she added with a smirk on her face as the students whined even more.

'School for Orphan Girls', a well-managed private boarding school for young ladies a-like either they'd be rowdy or polite. Amongst the students a professor whose name's Edgar Valden tend to be quite famous, probably due to his charismatic appearance which led each girl falling head over heels for him but not long after (Y/N) joined as the professor in the school too, having the matching good-looks as Edgar it didn't took long 'till the students started spreading rumours that they are dating each other, regardless every pupil all agreed they look like a perfect couple nevertheless.

Walking through the halls after hearing the bell rang and dismissing the class, (Y/N) spotted a familiar figure who tend to be going towards her direction only to walk pass her just when she was about to greet him. "Please don't mind his attitude Ms. (L/N)," one of the teachers told her from behind noticing her puzzled look. Servais Le Roy, the professor in literature, quite the introverted type and rarely speaks and get into people's businesses, him talking towards (Y/N) in attempts to reassure her might mean he is that concern. "Is he...mad at me? His been avoiding me lately," she sighed looking at Servais, she said it in a low voice so the students wouldn't hear.

Servais motioned her to follow him, leading her towards the library since not much people visit this place, he then answered her question "Most likely. Probably also got pissed since lately students' been pressing about the rumours regarding the two of you," he admitted grabbing a book. "I see..." since she is still a little new from the school she hadn't fully met and found each teacher's true colors yet "He is... self-centered Ms. (L/N)," Servais warned her without facing her, his eyes on the book he took. "He isn't the typical kind co-worker, so be careful I guess..." he added saying it in a whisper. "I know Mr. Le Roy..." she answered "But I still want to at least have a decent conversation with him. Even if it's just one time," she admitted to him, surprising him in the process.

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