♧ Cherished Memories | Andrew Kreiss

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↳song suggestion: You Club - YKWIM?

Genre: Platonic ♧

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name

Reader: she/her─◌✰್

Requested by: [ Siniora-Chan ]
➳:.thank you so much for requesting~!

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Repetitive sound of the heavy rain echoed through the walls of the old manor, the rusty gate just outside the two oak doors creaked against the strong wind the storm had brought in. Her boots gave out a loud splash as she sprinted over the puddles beneath her feet on a rather muddy path, she pushed the tarnished gate open while it let out an ear rapping creak. With an umbrella on one hand and the hood of her raincoat over her head she gave the newcomer a genuine smile as she handed her the umbrella "You can go in. I'll deal with this," she insisted pointing towards the two wooden doors, the other gave her nod and headed towards the manor she had just referred to. Agitatedly making her way towards the door her knuckles made a knocking sound against the wood while she heard the irritating sound a creak from the was while the other person trying to shut it.

"The door's open, you can just walk in," a voice told her from behind as she turned the hand and effortlessly pushed the door open letting the Ray of light from the inside paint their figures while the newcomer stayed silent with a bashful look on her face. The door closed behind them as another handed the stranger a towel to dry herself with, the other let her soggy raincoat and boots to dry themselves as she introduced herself "I'm Martha Behamfil, she's Margaretha Zelle," the said person gave the person with a new face in the manor a small wave. "(Y/N) (L/N).." she softly told the two "This is the Orpheus Manor...right?" She scanned her new surroundings, a single chandelier illuminating a the red carpet beneath them which leads towards a dual staircase which leads towards the second floor, on both of her sides were both doors leading to a part of the manor she hasn't explored yet. Returning her attention to both Martha and Margaretha she saw both of them nodded in sync as a reply to her question "Looks better from the inside than the inside," she joked "Never judge a book by it's cover am I right?" Margaretha added with a welcoming smile.

"It's late you should head towards your room...I'm a little busy, Margaretha can you lead her?" Martha asked fixing her brunette hair "Sorry I also have a game to play," the other replied with a disappointed look painted on her face. Tapping her chin, Martha started to brainstorm everything before she could conclude a certain survivor caught her eye "Andrew you busy?" She rushed towards the albino who shook his head "Oh good. (Y/N), this is Andrew Kreiss better known as the grave keeper. He'll lead you towards your room, bye!" And in a flash she was running towards on of the doors with Margaretha not to far from her, an awkward tension rose between the two while the boy who was referred as 'grave keeper' keep on staring at her with no words escaping his mouth.

"Andrew was it?" She tried to pick up a conversation, her voice alerted his mind and was taken away from his thoughts as he nodded "(Y/N)...right?" She hummed as a response with a small grin on her face, silence rolled by once more while (Y/N) fidgeted with her fingers behind her back waiting for something, anything to happen but nothing. It was tranquil with the pitter-patter of the raindrops slashing down towards the soggy ground as little droplets brust out from the impact and only to be absorbed by the soil beneath. (Y/N) looked around still mesmerised by the manor's decor as she started to unintentionally hum a small melody she once heard quietly to herself "That song..." Andrew stammered. "Yes?" She asked facing him, a puzzled look on her face. With innocent eyes glaring back at him he shook his head and broke the eye contact "Nothing..." His gloved hands picked up (Y/N)'s belongings  "Oh I can do these myself," she told him trying to get her items away from his grasp "It's okay. Let me do it," he insisted as he slowly went upstairs motioning her to follow him.

As instructed, he led her to her own room and left with no more words exchanged. She settled down in her room her eyes started to gain weight and her entire body relaxed as the mattress consuned her as she drifted into a delightful slumber.

Knock. Knock.

She grunted from the soft banging from the otherside of her door "(Y/N), are you awake?" A familiar concerned yet timid voice pass through her ears, still sleepy, she slowly made her way towards the door gradually turning the doorknob. Andrew giggled to himself seeing that (Y/N) haven't open her drowsy eyes yet before regaining his composure "You have a match today, related to the game," he explained calmly. "Game?" She repeated rubbing her eyes "Right. The letter did mention of a game..." she thought while yawning, her body felt light and numb "Be with you in a minute," she told him closing the door to get herself dressed up. She did a few stretches here and there before she slapped her cheeks to wake herself up, still not used with her assigned room she guessed which is which.

Finally opening her door, she gave Andrew a smile which he returned as they walked down the hall towards the dining room while he explained more thing about the manor and the game. "So we are survivors who need to escape the hunter and help one another," she said as he nodded."We decode, rescue and contain but also we have different skills which makes us good with which gives us an advantage thus we get our 'roles': decoder whom are quick at decoding (obviously), support whom supports the team and giving them more advantages, kiter are people who are excellent with containing the hunter and finally rescuer who have a huge advantage when rescuing and are better at it. And your role is a rescuer right?" She recalled which him agreeing to each word she said. "There are also many hunters and all have different skills," she let out a deep and long sigh taking a bite of her meal after saying that "That is a lot to take in," she told him while he laughed "You'll get used to it."

Andrew woke her up rather early, to the point there is rarely anyone around, taking another bite of her delicate ans delicious meal she spoke "Did you woke me up because we wish wish match?" He shook his head and started fidgeting with his fingers "Uhm...no... I woke you up because I don't want you to be late in your first game," he informed scratching the back of his neck "That's so sweet of you!" She jokingly (and softly) punched his shoulder flattered.

"How did you knew though?" She asked.
"There is a board on the lobby," he answered.
"Names and the time are written there," he added "Your name was there."

She nodded finally finishing her meal alongside Andrew "Mind checking it out with me?" She offered to which he gladly obliged. "Who's name are there?" She asked him "Uhm...Servais...Naib..." and so on the two of them chatted on their way there, of course it was no surprise when they started to hang out more often to the point they were considered friends, their friendship especially grew in their first match together but lately, (Y/N)'s been humming the same tune over and over again which made Andrew always stop in his tracks as if he was remembering something both tragic yet peaceful. Curiosity kills the cat but her curiosity had already ate her from the start when they met, when she first hummed that melody on why he was so lost in his thoughts. Besides, he never talked about his past. Not once.

"Hey Andrew," she tugged his sleeve while they were in a friendly duo hunter match "You never told me anything about your past," she informed, his reaction though was different from what she expected. His body became stiff, it was as if he was uncomfortable with that topic, sighing she was about to tell him it's fine if he doesn't want to tell but then he spoke. Explaining how he was bullied for being a so-called 'white-haired monster' and being protected by his mother, he softly told her everything about his mother how kind and generous she was, how much he loved her and how much he felt pain he felt in his childhood. Hearing all these new information also stabbed her heart, to think he had to pass through that pains her. "But I don't feel disconnected from my mother anymore," he stated looking at her with a smile from ear-to-ear "You are so similar to her. Being around you makes me feel like I'm with my mother," he added "You even sing the same song she hums," then it clicked. She reminds him of his mother so much, he must have been shocked when she hummed the melody when she first arrived, it all made sense.

She felt pitiful for him however hearing his story and how grateful he was she is here it made her heart warm and it felt peaceful. She's glad being with him gave him a sense of protection and peace like any strong friendship out there.

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Word count: 1573

A/N: Sorry this may or may not had took long...

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