♡ A Mercenary's Weakness | Naib Subedar (PT. 2)

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↳song suggestion: girl in red - we fell in love in october

Genre: Fluff ♡

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name

Reader: they/them ─◌✰್

⊱┊part two of "A Mercenary's
     Weakness", i would just like to
     thank you for liking the first part
     and wanting a 2nd part.

⊱┊i originally didn't plan to continue
     writing the part two but since you
     asked, i tinkered and edited bits of
     the draft and voilà—here it is! Hope
     you enjoy <33

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Opening the old door an eerie and icy feeling waved upon to the two as they set foot inside the old manor, a dusty red rug and a small chandelier hang above their heads slightly illuminating the place stood still as their footsteps echoed through the room. Agitated, both leaned forward as a voice suddenly emerged (making [Y/N] flinch) "You two new here?" A man with facial hair and a hat questioned in a stern voice still inside the shadows of the place.

"You are?" Naib questioned back.
"Servais Le Roy," he answered.
"Naib Subedar," he replied followed by (Y/N)—
"(Y/N) (L/N)..." Though it was more of a whisper.

Never had they hadn't step foot outside their home for so long add that up with being in a a place which they don't have the slightest clue of thus a rush of anxiousness tumble upon them but if Naib led them here it must do something with his desires, all they can do is have faith in him. Their grip on his clothing tighten as they hid behind his figure growing ever so smaller, he slightly glance at them his hand patting their's as a little cue of "it'll be okay." "I assume you have the letter sent by the owner of Oletus Manor?" Servais said titling his head.

"Yes actually," Naib then revealed the letter with the strange design for the  wax seal, the same one they saw while they were running. "Are you the owner of the said manor?" (Y/N) stuttered behind Naib, curious themselves "No. He didn't even show his face," Servais admitted; Naib could feel (Y/N) feel more frighten as worry filled them "It's getting dark better to get to your room," Servais informed handing Naib a piece of paper before dismissing himself.

"Naib mind explaining me a thing or two about our situation right now?" (Y/N) tugged his shoulder, when they arrived at the assigned room for Naib on top of his desk sat another paper which wrote: "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you to bring a guest along with you, I wasn't able to prepare a comfortable place for them yet. They can stay at the room next to you," which they both theorise is from the one whom invited him to this place.

Not wanting to keep them under the dark anymore he explained to them in the best possible way "Someone told me to go to this place as a work. In the letter said we need to survive a game." "Why would you accept that?" (Y/N) retorted "It didn't even said what game—" "A cat and mouse game," Naib added. (Y/N) was silent for a minute "So...chasing...from what?" He sighed not knowing the answer to it "It's just chasing right? It can't be that harmful..." (Y/N) tried to enlighten the mood "It won't be that bad," they then caressed his cheek when he hang his head low, their hand then pulled down his hood showing, his brown hair styled in a simple ponytail. "Let's help each other in this game. Okay?" (Y/N) promised with a blissful smile "Funny, you were so scared earlier," he informed them "It's because you haven't explained things to me yet, now you did I feel much more aware," they honestly replied.

"Let's get some rest, it's already getting dark. Oh! Dinner, we haven't taken dinner!" (Y/N) pointed out "How about let's eat first and then! We take a nap?" They giggled. Later, both of them cling onto each other exploring the wide mansion, how beautiful would this place be if only it wasn't dirty and dusty but at least steady. Finally founding the way towards the kitchen, (Y/N) found some ingredients to make a meal as they showed him what they "How could you be sure the food isn't poison?" He asked, sceptic "They would probably killed us by now, besides they are probably also here with a similair reason as the man who told you to join this game," (Y/N) assumed, attempting to cook only for Naib to butt in, ending up helping them with the task.

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