♤ Idle Conversations| Norton Campbell

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↳song suggestion: Arcade - Duncan Laurence

Genre: Angst ♤

Note: Y/N - your name, L/N - last name

Reader: they/them ─◌✰್

Requested by: [ Jello_Angela ]
➳:.thank you so much for requesting~!

A scowl expression was worn against (Y/N)'s face while blood dripped down their blade, thunder booming outside in the night as the corpses of the people they were assigned to end laid flat-lifeless-below their feet. But for whom do they made this expression to?


The feeling of emptiness, the yearning for a sense of belonging-ness never left-no matter how much blood had stained their hands, countless of times they tried something new it always felt nothing, pointless even.

Something new.
Something different perhaps?
Maybe try one more time-and the uneasiness will vanish.

Returning back to what they called "home" the door creaked open, their clothes dripping wet from the thunderstorm leaving a small puddle at the doorway for (Y/N) to clean up later. A sigh escaped their lips as they switched the lights on, nothing out of the ordinary nothing new-the same flickering light attempting to light up this small house, upon drying themselves hidden from the pile of letters containing work information was a letter with a seal they never saw but remember seeing the same symbol on the seal from one of those rich people's houses who was too deep into greek mythology. Curious, they opened up that letter and only that. Their eyes flowed along the sea of words, reading silently what the sender have in store for them-he offered them an identity. One that they'll be content with. How could someone offer an identity? Not only was that was his offering but something more was set for them if they participate and win the game.

What kind of game?

"The match will begin in 3 minutes," a voice informed with an echo while 4 people sat patiently, a table with torn table cloth was not so neatly placed in front of them while candles lit up their faces but not strong enough to remove the shadows of the room behind them, only their figures are seen. (Y/N) paid no attention to the other's and only kept their mouth shut but worry stir inside them every second "work as a team" but they only worked alone. What happens, happens then...

They clutched their fist before the person on the speakers announced the game will officially start, that's when they felt drowsy and started to snooze making their vision hazy and soon pitch black.

The sound of waves could be heard from the distance and so does the chirping of...ravens? Or crows? Either way it woke up (Y/N), their head felt as if it was being punched by someone, they awoken in a wooden ship-the vast sea at the distance as the sky showed no cloud nor a moon-not even the sun. "The game has began. Goodluck," was all what they last heard before passing out, they shuffled inside their pockets and noticed they have their blades still hanging from their hip safely tucked in it's case to avoid any injuries. Shaking away all the question they walked towards a strange machinery, from a single touch it began to send out a morse code and the antenna started to shake ever so slightly, the letter did mention to 'decipher' a machinery but never said how to. A sweat dropped from their forehead while they just turn a gear or two from the sides around, not long after the anttenta shook even more rapidly so did the morse code turned faster and pitcher.

Focused from deciphering this strange object a screamed echoed from the distance, they never really got to talk with the others so they really don't know who's screech it was but what surprised them was when someone called out "Just focus in decoding! We need to work together!" They sighed only. "This person has leadership huh..." they noted to themselves softly flinching hearing another voice near them "Seems so." From the shock thry turned the wrong gear thus a small electrical shock erupted from their side, a rather tall and masculine man with a burn scar to his right eye was now with them without them even seeing a glimpse of him walking by-no other words were spoken but he only held their wrist and ran away from the machinery, he brought them down the stairs and towards the corner with barrels and a pallet "What's wrong-?" He only gave them a signal to keep quiet as their heads were ducked down. Not long after they could hear their heartbeat, taking a small peak they saw something inhuman for sure-something they couldn't even describe walked slowly checking towards the machine they just left. After hiding from what they assume is the said 'hunter' in the letter, he soon exited the ship letting the two slip pass him with ease.

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