Problematic Equality

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I could give the world everything I have and yet I would be cast away into a void of higher people and labeled by wolves feasting upon the lesser sheep of our society.
No matter what neutral opinion or equal opportunity I can give it would never be enough for those unworthy to even step in my presence, a peasant's presence.
I can't sit and watch as everyone complains about ignorant problems that nobody truly cares but the ultimate degradation of our society deems them fit to be mass publicized by old reporters way past their redundant era.
The problem about our current society is how easy we've made it for people to complain and voice their issues rather than showing them the harsh truth of the real world where nobody gives a fuck about what you think or who you are.
Nobody cares about you or what you're going through and I'm not giving up my spot in line because you failed a suicide and beg for sympathy because of your semi-colon tattoo on your wrist.
You won't get sympathy from me and I don't wanna hear your blasphemous speech about your life story or whatever hardships you want me to kiss your ass to.
Stop projecting onto people your failures of progression and maybe we might actually give a shit about your issues and help you solve them but no, you wanna make everyone in the Starbucks know how your dog ran into the street and got hit by a car or how your boyfriend broke up with you last Saturday because you slept with their best friend.
Everyone is a horrible person nowadays whether you like it or not.
Even those who promote equality and fight for civil rights have some horrible backstory or controversial tweets from five years ago, so you can stop giving your hope to people who are just as bad as some of the people you hate.

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