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"You ever feel like you were alone, and the world hated you?" I asked leaning my back against the wall. I slowly slid down to the ground.
She sat down in front of me, placing her hand on mine. "No...never once have I ever though that I was hated."
I tossed her hand away and hurried my face in my arms. The tears began forming in my eyes. My voice began to crack, "How do you do it? I've never been more alone. Everything I've ever cared about was gone in a flash."
She leaned in closer and wrapped her arms around me. I felt warmth in her arms, the love of a female finally reached me as it never had before. "I don't think that way because I have you. You're my inspiration and the love that keeps my heart beating, the sun wakes me up in the morning. Corny as it may sound...but...I love you."
My face turned red. I hadn't dealt with something so sudden before. I released my head from my arms to look at her smile. She reached a second time and kissed me.
So many emotions ran through my body, I didn't know how to comprehend it. It was like listening to the perfect song at the perfect moment or meeting up with someone you haven't spoken to in years. I couldn't tell if I was in love before, but now I could feel it. My body was trying to take in the warm feeling of her emotions and process it into words.
She giggled, "See? You're never really alone now are you?"
I buried my face, again, in my arms to avoid showing my embarrassment. "No..."

I finally woke up to reality. I was in her house staring down at her corpse. The note in my hand reading "To Jake, my love and perfect silence. Since the day I've met you, I've fallen deeply in love but I was never able to show it. Until that day we became closer than ever. You were in great need of someone and I was there for you. We were inseparable for a long time. By the time you're reading this...I must have already been gone. It wasn't you or anything that dealt with our relationship, I just decided it was time to leave. I love you so much. Goodbye my sweetheart."
I dropped on both my knees and began to feel the tears running down my face. I was staring at death himself.
He took the one person I would die for. I can't just commit suicide though, she wouldn't want that.
I slammed my fist on the ground bringing a waterfall on my face. I nearly broke my hand by how hard I was hitting.
"Oh my god! Are you alright? What happened?" A man walked in the room.
I turned to him. My face covered in tears and my heart broken to pieces. I walked over to the kitchen counter and took a knife. I walked to the man and stabbed him in the throat.
"What happened...is that I've become heartless. There is no place for me now." I said through my pain and anger.

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